1. Sunday 2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
a. He made an angry man stop shouting.
b. He reminded the family to wear seat belts.
c. He saved a boy on the road.
d. He left a message on a car parked dangerously.
e. He made two girls walk on the pavement.
6. Friday
f. He took two children home.
7. Saturday
g. He stopped Dad talking on his mobile
(Наводнение) Flood: China, Korea(Китай,Корея)
(землетрясение) Earthquake: Philippines, lndonesia(Филиппины,Индонезия)
(Цунами) Tsunami: Bangladesh, Fiji(Бангладеш, Фиджи)
(Лавина) Avalanche: Sakhalin, Novokuznetsk-Abakan(Сахалин,Новокузнец-Абакан)
(Торнадо) Tornado: Texas, Kansas(Техас,Канзас)
(Извержение вулкана) Volcanic eruption: Italy, Kamchatka(Италия, Камчатка)
(Молния) Lightning: Maracaibo, Venezuela(Венесуэла,Маракайбо)
(Ураган) Hurricane: Chukotka, Colombia(Чукотка,Колумбия)
(Засуха) Drought: lndia, Africa(Индия,Африка)
ответ дан!
1)...should read a lot (следует много читать);
2)...shouldn’t eat many sweets and chocolates (не следует есть много конфет и шоколада);
3)...should be able to read a map (следует уметь ориентироваться по карте);
4)...should buy a cook book (вам следует купить поваренную книгу);
5)...should be able to do cross-country and downhill skiing (следует научиться кататься на беговых и горных лыжах);
6)...should have a lot of money (у вас должно быть много денег);
7)...should stay at your friends’ (следует остановиться у своих друзей)
2. Match the parts of the sentences. Complete them with should or shouldn’t.
1) If you want to be a successful journalist, you should read a lot;
2) If you want to be slim shouldn’t eat many sweets and chocolates;
3) If you want to travel about England by car should be able to read a map;
4) If you want to cook well should buy a cook book;
5) If you want to become a good skier should be able to do cross-country and downhill skiing;
6) If you want to have a pleasant trip should have a lot of money;
7) If you don’t want to stay at a hotel should stay at your friends’
a) buy a cook book.
b) eat many sweets and chocolates.
c) stay at you friends’.
d) be able to do cross-country and downhill skiing.
e) be able to read a map.
f) read a lot.
g) have a lot of money.