1 The villagers are ill. They don't have clean
water. If the villagers had clean water, they
wouldn't be ill.
2 You didn't turn off the cooker. A fire started
in the kitchen. If you
3 War broke out. Lots of lives were lost. If war
4 We can't solve the problem of illiteracy.
There aren't enough schools. If there
5 They are opening a new factory. There are
500 news jobs. When the new factory
6 The water is polluted. It's not safe to drink
it. If the water
7 We didn't act quickly. The fire spread. If we
8 We can't clean the park. We don't have
enough volunteers. If we
Holidayresort- курорт
To get a suntan- загорать
To go on excursions- ходить на экскурсии
To visit museums- посещать музеи
To go sightseeing- осматривать достопримечательности
To line on the beach- лежать на пляже
To hire a car- брать машину на прокат
To go to a disco- ходить на дискотеку
To go to a night club- ходить в ночной клуб
To play pool- играть в бильярд
To go to the zoo- ходить в зоопарк
To go to the park- ходить в парк
To go to the circus- ходить в цирк
To go to a concert- ходить на концерт
To go to the ballet- ходить на балет
To play bingo- играть в лото
To go jogging- бегать трусцой
To hike- путешествовать пешком
To paint- рисовать красками
To do gardening- заниматься садоводством
To swim in the pool- плавать в бассейне
To knit- вязать
To play musical instruments- играть на музыкальных инструментах
Leisure/spare time- свободное время
To collect stamps/coins- коллекционировать марки, монеты
To sew- шить
To embroider- вышивать
To buy some souvenirs- покупать сувениры