1. There isn'tmilk left in the fridge. 2. You shouldn't eat so Sweets.
3. My friend doesn't eat fruit
4. They don't know about the history of their country.
5. I don't have time to practice basketball.
6.There aren't people in the shops today. 7.There is not homework to do.
8.How of you are coming to the party? 9.We don't have oranges, and we don't have olive oil
10. There wasn't dust in that house, was there?
11. Shall I phone to reserve a table? - No, I have just done it.
12. Would you like to have something to eat? - No, thank you. I have already had lunch.
13. Jane isn't here at the moment. She has gone to the shop.
14. I have drunken two cps of coffee today but I'd like to have one more.
15. It's the first time she is driving a car. She has never driven a car before.
16. Have you ever been to Chine ? - No, I have never gone there.
17. It has been raining for two hours already.
Когда-то давно там жил король и королева. У них была дочь. Король и королева пригласили семь хороших фей в замок видеть свою маленькую принцессу. Они все бросают свои периоды по принцессе: "Принцесса будет уродлива и глупа. Она будет так же труслива как цветок...
Тогда прибыл красивая темнокожая фея, которая бросила ее период: "Когда принцессе будет 16 лет, она повредит палец и умрет!"
Но цветочная фея со своим периодом: "Принцесса будет только спать. Она будет спать в течение ста лет. Тогда уродливый принц приедет и поцелует ее. И они будут жить счастливо с тех пор". И после thes слова...