1. Three paragraphs: Day 1: Think of the details of your expedition: Where? When? What equipment are you going to take? Day 2: Describe the weather and the place. What activities are you going to do later? Day 3: What were the activities like? What are you going to do tomorrow? 2. Correct grammar
3. Correct spelling
4. Correct punctuation
5. Use of SO
2) The journalist wants to know how well she knows modern actors.
3) The journalist wants to know if Gloria sometimes watches videos.
4) The journalist wants to know what songs she usually sings.
5) The journalist wants to know which of them are her favourite ones.(=songs)
6) The journalist wants to know if Gloria celebrates New Year at home with her family.
7) The journalist wants to know how Gloria does that.
8) The journalist wants to know what songs she is going to sing here.
9) The journalist wants to know if Gloria is going to sing some songs in French.