1. tick the question that is correct. (выберите предложение которое написано правильно)
1. would you mind telling me how many close friends you have?
2. i’d like to know how do you normally meet people.
3. could you tell me do you use any social networking sites?
4. can you tell me how do you spell your surname?
5. do you know how is the name mercedes pronounced in spanish?
2. correct the mistakes and type the correct sentences in the order they are given. mind the register and full stops/question marks.(исправьте ошибки и введите правильные предложения в том порядке, в котором они даны. обратите внимание на регистр и полные остановки / вопросительные знаки.)
I like the athlete - Fedor Emelianenko. He is a fighter of mixed martial arts. He is the winner of many championships. In the sports world he is called the "Last Emperor". Fedor is a very strong and courageous fighter. Many times he defeated the enemy, much more than himself. Fedor's tactics of fighting is shock and painful techniques. I am proud that Fedor is Russian by nationality. He was born in the city of Stary Oskol.
Мне нравится спортсмен - Фёдор Емельяненко. Он является бойцом смешанных единоборств. Он является победителем многих первенств. В спортивном мире его называют "Последний император". Фёдор очень сильный и мужественный борец. Много раз он побеждал противника, намного больше его самого. Тактика борьбы у Фёдора ударная и болевые приёмы. Я горжусь тем, что Фёдор русский по национальности. Родился он в городе Старый Оскол.
1. Kim asks: "Do you like watching cartoons?" Kim asks if I like watching cartoons
2. Kim asks: "What does she usually buy in the shop?" Kim asks what she usually buys in the shop
3. Kim asks: "Where are my parents?" Kim asks where are his/her parents.
4. Kim asks: "Can Jill help to plant the flowers?" Kim asks If Jill can help to plant the flowers.
5. Kim asks: "How old are you?" Kim asks how old I am.
6. Kim asks: " Where I can get recommendations?" Kim asks where He/she can get recommendations.
7. Kim asks: "What time does he catch the bus on Wednesday. Kim asks what time he catches the bus om Wednesday.
Не міняємо часів ,бо дієслово стоїть в Present Simple (теперішньому часі) - asks. (а не asked)