1) "to be". как образуется в настоящем и в времени?
2) "there is/are. как образуется его форма? чем отличается от "to be"?
3) "present simple".
4) "present continuous". какие глаголы нельзя использовать в "present continuous"?
5) "past simple"? повтори неправильные глаголы этого уровня и напиши 3 неправильные формы.
6) "past continuous".
7) "adverbs".
8) present perfect.
9) present perfect continuous.
10) future forms
11) past perfect.
12) used to.
13) modal verbs for must/ have to/ should
14) conjunctions.
15) conditionals for zero, fisrt, second.
16) passive voice for present simple, past simple & future simple
About 20 years ago, children and adults didn't have computers with internet and mass media was had some frames about information that is allowed for everybody. As for now, sex, drugs and cigarettes become normal things that can be propagandized in movies, advertisements and so on. Because of this "freedom", children become adult faster than it was before.
If it was normal to start having sex at 18-20 years old in the past, so for now, teenagers have their first experience at 14-17 in average. But we can not say that girls at this age can be prescribed contraceptives due to the fact that it is a hormone interfere and it can harm the health. Actually, not every girl is allowed to use contraceptives because it depends on individuals. Moreover, these pills must be ascertained by doctor permission.
Therefore, the best option is to abstain having sex at so early age or, in other case, to use condom.