1 Упр.19, стр.95-96: прочитайте и переведите рассказ
2 ответьте на во по тексту. Запишите только номер во и ответ Yes или No
1)Was Jack a good coach?
2)Did his team always play only football?
3)Did they seldom win in races?
4)Were the football players only good sportsmen?
5)Did Jack’s players often get into trouble?
6)Were the players on a diet?
7)Did they take part only in international competitions?
8)Did the team show good and excellent results?
9)Did they hardly ever win?
10) Were Jack’s players bad students?
11) Did the Professor ask the new player difficult questions?
12) Was the new player good at Maths?
13) Was the coach good at Maths?
14) Was it a British college?
Текс He was only wrong by two
Fashion is one of the most interesting manifestations of the human attraction to beauty. Fashion is different, but each of its forms tends doutey individual ideas of harmony: the man, the man with the world.
We are more accustomed to European ideas about fashion. Clothes should not be trendy: the main requirement for it – convenience. Of course, this is correct only a relatively casual fashion. There are times when casual just inappropriate: it is primarily a variety of celebrations. So the modern fashion noticeable splits into two styles: casual and festive. This is what we see on the shows of prominent designers of the present: the collection of ready-to-wear and "Haute couture" is usually a demonstrate apart.
Fashion is one of the most interesting manifestations of the human attraction to beauty. Fashion is different, but each of its forms tends doutey individual ideas of harmony: the man, the man with the world.
We are more accustomed to European ideas about fashion. Clothes should not be trendy: the main requirement for it – convenience. Of course, this is correct only a relatively casual fashion. There are times when casual just inappropriate: it is primarily a variety of celebrations. So the modern fashion noticeable splits into two styles: casual and festive. This is what we see on the shows of prominent designers of the present: the collection of ready-to-wear and "Haute couture" is usually a demonstrate apart.