1) Вспомните значение и правила образования неличных форм глагола:
Инфинитив – 1 форма глагола с частицей to или без неё (5 случаев в лекции)
Герундий – образован от глагола с окончания –ing
Причастие I - образовано от глагола с окончания –ing
Причастие II – 3 форма глагола
2) Выпишите из каждого предложения неличные формы глагола, определите их, переведите предложения. Задание оформляйте так (образец):
1. In this picture you can see a young man giving flowers to a girl.
See – инфинитив; giving - причастие I
На этой картинке вы можете видеть человека, дарящего девушке цветы.
1. They know French well; they can translate without a dictio¬nary.
2. That little dog playing with its tail is my sister's pet.
3. Instead of phoning his friend he went to see him.
4. I wanted to speak to Nick but I couldn’t find his telephone number.
5. I enjoy listening to music.
6. I have an interesting book translated from English.
7. You can learn what the new words mean by looking them up in a dictionary.
8. The materials used were not of good quality.
9. Be careful crossing the street.
10. All the people living in this house are students.
3. Record companies don't like people who download music from the Internet.
4. Michael plays the piano in a jazz band.
5. It's very expensive to go to some pop concerts.
6. Why is Karl in that group? He can't sing.
7. You need to learn to read music before you can write it.
8. Kim doesn't like going to nightclubs and she hates 1970s music.
9. When I listen to a song, I like to read the lyrics (?)
10. My sister plays the violin in an orchestra.
11. Which instrument do you play
<<My dream school>>. I always dreamed that children went to school on their own, because sometimes a child wants to sit at the computer, or do other things. If a child does not study well, it does not mean that he will be a stupid or bad person. I want the school to be run not by teachers but by children. I do not like when a child is beaten or punished for having bad grades. Grades do not affect the child's characteristics. In my opinion, teachers teach children so that in the future they "like" will be grateful to them. In the future, I would like to take revenge on the teachers for a bad childhood.