1. Вставьте слова и словосочетания в предложения.
1. Plants should regularly replace old production ... by new … .
2. A firm may ... a credit only if it provides some guarantees.
3. At present the main ... of export in Russia are oil, gas and other natural resources.
4. ... of production include labour, capital and natural resources.
5. Nowadays industrialized countries ... for new markets for their goods especially in
Latin America and Africa.
6. In order to have ... equipment the workers must ... it in proper condition.
7. The firm is going to employ some ... workers.
8. In order to ... competitors the firm should produce only high quality and ... equipment.
9. The ... of oil sold by the OPEC countries may fall to maintain the price in the world
10. The main contributor of money to a business is to ... the largest share of profits.
11. What does the word ... ?
12. The new product is very expensive as it is made of ... of high ... .
a) additional; b) overtake, reliable; c) amount; d) obtain; e) mean; f) raw materials,
quality; g) facilities, facilities; h) obtain; i) items; j) means; k) seek; l) reliable, maintain.
1 Part of the Amazon (A) RAINFOREST is in Mexico. -FALSE
2. Niagara Falls is a A) WATERFALL. Part of it is in Canada. - TRUE
3. Baikal is a B) LAKE in Egypt. - FALSE
4. Part of the Sahara A) DESSERT is in Morocco. -TRUE
5. Syr Darya is a B) RIVER in Kazakhstan. -TRUE
6. Hawaii is a(n) B) ISLAND in Greece. - FALSE
7. Khan Tengri is a A)MOUNTAIN in Kazakhstan.- TRUE
8. The Pacific A)OCEAN is the largest in the wond. - TRUE
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