1. Выбери и запиши лексически правильные ответы из данных в скобках. 1) We would like to visit the Houses Parliament (also / too).
2) Tourists don’t like these hotels (either / too).
3) London is a political centre of the UK and its cultural centre (too / also)
4) I (also / either) know where Hull is.
5) We can meet you at five (as well / either).
6) Which of the two museums would you (also / as well) like to visit?
7) They can (too / also) swim very far.
2. Вставь в предложения слова из рамки.
Both parts back terrible ancient dome
1) The sandy of Los Angeles are world-famous.
2) St Paul Cathedral has a big .
3) You can see a lot of wooden houses in Russian cities.
4) my brothers like to read about historical events.
5) What of the United Kingdom do you know?
6) When are the tourists going to come to the hotel?
7) The weather was that day.
3. Выбери и запиши лексически правильные ответы из данных в скобках.
1) (Thousands of / Thousands) people lived on that island in the 17th century.
2) The (Isle / Island) of White is a part of the UK.
3) John Brown is a (profession / professional) architect.
4) Trafalgar Square is (famous / popular) with tourists.
5) I (found / founded) a ring in the sand.
6) I got five ( hundred / hunfred of) dollars.
4. Раскройте скобки и напишите глагол в той форме, в которой нужно
(время Past Simple).
1) Mary Smith (walk) in the park.
2) Jack (come) home 10 minutes ago.
3) Ann (give) me her pencils.
4) We (be) in Sochi last summer.
5) Mark didn’t (buy) books in this shop.
6) He (meet) his the best friend.
7) Did you (have) a big dog?
5. Выберите правильный ответ из трёх предложенных (предложения
составлены в Present Continuous и в Past Continuous).
1) Nick (read) the magazine now.
a) was reading b) is reading c) are reading
2) She saw Bob when he (cross) the street.
a) are crossing b) is crossing c) was crossing
3) She (play) the piano the whole(весь) evening yesterday.
a) wasn’t playing b) aren’t playing c) weren’t playing
4) Don’t talk! My sister (do) her homework
a) was doing b) does c) is doing
5) Listen! Kate and Helen (sing) their favourite song.
a) are singing b) were singing c) is singing
6) I (repair) my bike at the moment.
a) am repairing b) was repairing c) repaired
7) I (eat) ice cream when you met me in the park yesterday.
a) am eating b) ate c) was eating
8) We (watch) TV when the door bell rang.
a) was watching b) were watching c) are watching
Krasnodarsky Krai - Краснодарський край (без артикля, бо назва міста)
The Azov Sea - Азовське море (з артиклем, бо назва моря)
A narrow stream - стрімкий потік (пишеться з артиклем а, тому що перед загальною назвою стоїть прикметник)
the stream - потік (мабуть, йдеться про якийсь конкретний потік)
the mouth - рот (у людини є тільки один, тому з артиклем the)
The salty lake - Солені озер єдине, що не знаю
Herons - чаплі (без артикля, бо множина і загальна назва)
seagulls - чайки (аналогічно)
snipe - бекас або куликпташка така (одинакова форма як в однині, так і в множині)
clean - cleaner - the cleanest (чистый)
fat - fatter - the fattest (толстый)
little - less - the least (маленький)
ungly - uglier - the ugliest (уродливый)
smart - smarter - the smartest (умный)
expensive - more expensive - the most expensive (дорогой)
good - better - the best (хороший)
comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable (удобный)
happy - happier - the happiest (счастливый)
small - smaller - the smallest (маленький)
big - bigger - the biggest (большой)
cosy - cosier - the cosiest (уютный)
tall - taller - the tallest (высокий)
many - more - the most (много)