1. what kind of hobby is very popular among youger generation in kazakhstan?
2 why is it important?
3. is your own hobby different from the most popular one ? how? why?
1.what is the olymlpiad's focus?
2.how did our sportsmen perforn?
3. why is it important to participate in such events?
1. what hobbies are popular teenagers?
2.are there any new hobbies that you would like to take up ? why? /why not?
3. which hobby seems unusual to you?
4. do you think a hobby is different from a sport? why ? /why not?
Last year I went on a holiday with my school. On the first day we went rock-climbing in the mountains. The instructor showed us all the equipment and how to use it. Then, I did my first climb. It was great! The next day some kids stayed at the center and played baseball in the sports field, but the rest of us went to the ice rink for ice skating. I fell over six times! I didn’t dislike ice skating but I wasn’t very good at it! On the last day, we went to the beach to try snorkeling. I really loved it even though I’m quite inexperienced swimmer. I saw a lot of underwater wildlife. There were different kinds of fish and even a seahorse! Later, our instructor gave us a talk about how we can protect wildlife and look after the environment.
A design student has created a ‘walking’ chair which he hopes one day help DISABLED people to get around more EASILY It’s 21-year- old CREATOR, Martin Harris, said the machine operates like a conventional electric wheelchair, with one important DIFFERENCE. Instead of wheels Harris’ INVENTION has got six metal legs on each side. This gives the user far greater FREEDOM of movement. The chair can be USED indoors while also having the ABILITY to cross soft surfaces such as sand or grass, which can prove difficult for wheelchairs. Harris came up with the idea after being INSPIRED by the ‘walking sculptures’ of Dutch ARTISIT and engineer Theo Jansen, whose giant skeletons can walk across beaches.