1. what kind of hobby is very popular among youger generation in kazakhstan?
2 why is it important?
3. is your own hobby different from the most popular one ? how? why?
1.what is the olymlpiad's focus?
2.how did our sportsmen perforn?
3. why is it important to participate in such events?
1. what hobbies are popular teenagers?
2.are there any new hobbies that you would like to take up ? why? /why not?
3. which hobby seems unusual to you?
4. do you think a hobby is different from a sport? why ? /why not?
I hope (0) _you_ are well. I was trying (1) to call you yesterday but you didn’t answer. Is your phone broken, (2) ___or have you lost it again? Anyway, I wanted to ask (3) if you could come to my birthday party next Saturday. My birthday was actually two weeks (4) ago, but I couldn’t have the party then (5) because lots of people were (6) ___on holiday.
I’ve invited (7) ___a few people from our swimming club, as well as my friends from school. (8) Do you think your brother (9) will be free that day? Please invite (10) him to come too. The party’s at my house and starts at 8 p.m.
Then one day my friends and I went to a little river, and we were swimming there the whole morning. The river was really cold, and I don't think that there can be any other idiots who would want to try to swim there.
I also ate shaslik that was maden of chicken, I cooked it by myself, my friends said that I am really talanted in cooking.
Actually this summer wasn't really exctiting but i think it's cool that I found some positive moments even in this travelling to dacha.
У самой тоже не очень лето было если честно :