1 .When were you able to give a definite answer about your future profession? Who helped you to make your choice?
2 . Has your choice of profession been changed from time to time as you grew older? Why?
3. Do you think you'll have to change your mind after you finish school? What reasons could make you think about another profession?
4. What should a young girl do to be well suited for a chosen job?
5. Can you explain why new jobs are constantly appearing? What might be especially attractive in a new job?
Моя семья очень дружная! На выходных мы любим гулять. У меня есть хобби - археология! Я очень люблю делать раскопки.
Я очень много прокопал пещер.
Однажды я раскопал целую пещеру. Мои родители так же этим занимаются. Мне нравится своя семья. Я готов все сделать для своей семьи. Я очень люблю свою семью и моих родителей!
My family is very friendly!
We like walk in the weekend.
My hobbi is Archaeology.
I dug a lot of caves.
I really love my hobbi.
Once i dug up the whole cave.
My parents always also are engaged.
I like my family!
I'm ready to do anything for my family.
I love my family and my parrents.