1) where did tom live with his family? 2) what did the king and the court think when tom tried to explain his origin? 3) why couldn't john canty make his children become thieves? 4) what was the first order made by tom when he became the king? 5) how did tom use the great seal? 6) what did tom
think of the ceremony of dressing up? 7) which titles were got by edward before he became the king? 8) what did edward like in the life of the offal court? 9) what can you say about miles hendon's career? 10) why did tom being the prince stop insisting on his poor origin? 11) how did the mother
recognize his son on the coronation day? нужны конкретно ответы на вопросы, перевод не нужен. тема - марк твен, принц и нищий.
2) Acrobats can jump well, can't they... ?
3) Yesterday clowns played tricks, didn't they... ?
4) You won't go to the circus tomorrow, will you... ?
5) They didn't play music, did they... ?
Write it in Englih .
1) наездница - a horsewoman
2) дрессировщик - a trainer
3) музыкант - a musician
4) жонглёр - a juggler
5) дрессированный - trained/tamed
6) акробат - an acrobat
7) цирк - a circus
8) зрители - spectators
9) выступать перед зрителями - to perform in front of the spectators
10) арена - an arena / a stage
Она движется вокруг пищи во время жевания (жевание) и акте глотания (глотание). Язык покрыт серию маленьких выступов, называемых сосочками, которые содержат клетки (вкусовые рецепторы), чувствительные к химической природе пищевых продуктов..Она движется вокруг пищи во время жевания (жевание) и акте глотания (глотание). Язык покрыт серию маленьких выступов, называемых сосочками, которые содержат клетки (вкусовые рецепторы), чувствительные к химической природе пищевых продуктов.