1 you / tidy room? Did you tidy your room? Yes, I did / No, I didn't 2 - you / finish your homework? - Yes, 3. you / visit Lyour grandparents at the weekend? - No, 4 you / help with shopping? - Yes,...
1. We like juice Do you like juice? We don't like juice. 2. He likes pears Does he like pears? He doesn't like pears 3. We have plums. Do you have plums? We don't have plums. 4. Kate often eats apricots. Does Kate often eat apricots? Kate doesn't often eat apricots. 5. My mother likes coffee Does my mother like coffee? My mother doesn't like coffee 6. They want ice-cream Do they want ice-cream? They don't want ice-cream. 7. They have breakfast in 8 o'clock. Do they have breakfast in 8 o'clock? They don't have breakfast in 8 o'clock. Вроде так
Я живу в самой красивой стране, великолепной и незабываемой. Бескрайние родные просторы, тянущиеся на тысячи километров, вызывают у меня чувство гордости и восхищения. Моя страна славится наиболее ценными природными ресурсами: густые леса, трепетные рощи, плодородные земли, глубины морей, чистые озера, полноводные реки, высокие горы, живописные луга и обширные минеральные ресурсы. Я хочу, чтобы моя страна получила от своих граждан, сострадание и трудолюбие, уважение и разумный подход, восхищение и любовь. Она достойна этого, потому что, пройдя нелегкие испытания войнами, голодом и эпидемиями, выжила и расцвела во всей красе для нас. И сегодня все эти блага природы, используемые людьми, живущими в России. Наши голы,задачи и цели-защитить и увеличить свое богатство. Давайте любить и ценить нашу страну, это одна из величайших держав мира.
Do you like juice?
We don't like juice.
2. He likes pears
Does he like pears?
He doesn't like pears
3. We have plums.
Do you have plums?
We don't have plums.
4. Kate often eats apricots.
Does Kate often eat apricots?
Kate doesn't often eat apricots.
5. My mother likes coffee
Does my mother like coffee?
My mother doesn't like coffee
6. They want ice-cream
Do they want ice-cream?
They don't want ice-cream.
7. They have breakfast in 8 o'clock.
Do they have breakfast in 8 o'clock?
They don't have breakfast in 8 o'clock.
Вроде так