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Қазақ тiлi

1) Заполните необходимое предложение.
1. They usually play football … Fridays.
2. She goes to work … the morning.
3. He was born … 5th May, 1995.
4. We start school … September.
5. The cinema is … the left.
6. Let’s go to the cinema … Saturday.
7. I like watching the stars … night.
8. See you …5 o’clock.
9. Her aunt lives … America.
2) Выберите правильный пункт.
1. I hate cooking! I …even make a cake.
A.am B. can’t C. can
2. … both ways before crossing the road!
A.Look B. Looking C. Looks
3. … talk to the driver!
A.Do B. Don’t C. Doesn’t
4. … crayons are ours.
A. This B. These C. That
5. He … like playing computer games.
A. don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t
6. My friend and I … TV on Sundays.
A. watches B. watch C. doesn’t watch
7.My mother …sandwiches for tea now.
A.make B. is making C. makes
8. There aren’t any … in the park.
A. bench B. benches’ C. benches
9. Do you have …cheese?
A. many B. any C. a few
10. Mary can’t … well.
A. swims B. swim C. swimming
11. “Whose watch is this?” – “It’s …”
A. mine B. your C. her
12. Steve is a pilot. He … fly a plane.
A. couldn’t B. can C. may
13. Has Tom … a computer?
A. get B. got C. getting
14. He’s … English writer.
A. an B. a C. –
15. … tall are you?
A. What B. How C. Where
16. The farmer has some …
A. cow’s B. cow C. cows
17. The plane leaves London … 9:00 am.
A. is leaving B. leaves C.leave
18. … you work in a bank?
A. Are B. Does C. Do
19. “… books are those?” “They’re Pete’s”.
A. Who’s B. Whose C. Where
21. … are your parents from?
A. Who B. Why C. Where
22. There are … students in the classroom.
A. some B. any C. a
23. Peter isn’t …the animals, he is watering the flowers.
A.feed B. feeding C. feeds
24. Jane …her car every Sunday.
A.washes B. is washing C. wash
25. You …have to feed the cat. Kate did it an hour ago.
A.can’t B. mustn’t C. don’t
26. … you at the cinema last Sunday?
A.was B. were C. are
27. You …lie to your parents.
A.must B. mustn’t C. need
28. Terry …to Spain yesterday.
A.go B. goes C. went
29. …you out yesterday?
A.did B.was C.were
30. How …apples have you got?
A.much B.many C. any
31. What are you …do this summer?
A.going B. to do C. going to
32. We are starving! I think we … a pizza.
A.will order B. order C. ordered
33. There … some milk in the glass.
A.are B. is C. aren’t
34. There were …people at the concert.
A.much B.a lot of C. any
35. Helen … shopping yesterday.
A.didn’t went B. didn’t go C. doesn’t go
3) Подчеркните правильное слово (а) жирным шрифтом.
1. That is Nick/Nick’s mother.
2. This is John and Lisa’s/John’s and Lisa motorbike.
3. Where is Tommy/Tommy’s dog?
4. Those are the boys/boys’ bicycles.
5. This is Steven’s/Stevens house.
6. My mother/mother’s sister lives in Spain.
7. Is your sister’s/sisters’ name Helen?
8. My parents’/parent’s names are Nick and Paula.
9. That is Bob and Tim’s/Bob’s and Tim’s computer.
10. This is Pam/Pam’s desk.
4) перепишите предложения во множественном числе, как в примере.
He is a teacher. They are teachers.
1. He is a policeman. …………………………………………………….
2. It’s a dog. ……………………………………………………………..
3. I am an actor. ………………………………………………………….
4. He is a boy. ……………………………………………………………
5. I am a woman. ………………………………………………………...
6. You are a manager. …………………………………………………..
7. It is a mouse. …………………………………………………………
8. It is a fox. ……………………………………………………………..
9. It is a fish. ……………………………………………………………
10. It is a deer. ……………………………………………………………
11. It is a sheep. ………………………………………………………….

Показать ответ
14.03.2023 23:18

4 Look at sentences 1-5 and read the

rules. Then change the words in blue

using your own ideas.

1 You shouldn't smoke. It's dangerous.

2 You mustn't take drugs. It's illegal.

3 You don't have to diet. It isn't healthy.

4 You have to give your opinion.

5 The message should be clearer.


4 Посмотрите предложения 1–5 и прочтите

правила. Затем измените слова синим

используя свои собственные идеи.

1 Не курите. Это опасно.

2 Нельзя принимать наркотики. Это незаконно.

3 Вам не нужно соблюдать диету. Это не здорово.

4 Вы должны высказать свое мнение.

5 Сообщение должно быть более четким.

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13.02.2020 04:22


Английский язык, 07.03.2019 20:51, Evgeniy11111111111

Нужен перевод текста! mr a nd mrs yo u n g 's sma ll h o u se was in a village, b ut the ir c h i l d r e n 's h o u s es we re in a t o w n. t h en mr young d i e d. mrs yo u ng w as eighty-five ye a rs old, a nd h er chi ldr en said to he r, " c o me a nd live in t he t o wn n e ar u s, mo t h e r. or come a nd live in o ne of o ur h o u s e s ." but s he s a id, " n

o, i 'm n ot going to go to the t o w n. i 'm going to r ema in h e r e ." h er chi ldr en w e re n ot h a p p y. t h ey s a id, " t h e re a re a lot of b u r g l a rs h e re n o w. maybe one of t h em will come i n to h er h o u se a nd t ake h er m o n ey a nd h er nice t h i n g s ." o ne s u n d ay o ne of h er d a u g h t e rs w e nt to mrs yo u n g 's h o u s e. she s aw a key on

the g r o u nd at t he side of t he front d o o r. " m o t h e r ! " s he s a id, "you m u s t n 't p ut y o ur key t h e r e. t h a t 's t he wo r st pl a c e. burglars can s ee it a nd o p en t he door ! " mrs yo u ng smi l ed. "try to o p en t he door wi th the k e y ," s he s a id. h er d a u g h t er d id this. the key m a de a lot of n o i s e, b ut it d id n ot o p en t he d o o

r. t h en mrs yo u ng said, "i h e ar t he key in the lock, a nd t h en i get one of my b r o t h e r 's old g u n s, go out of the back d o or a nd c r e ep up b e h i nd t he b u r g l a r s ."


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