10. Read the topic sentences and write the concluding sentences. 1. The easiest food to prepare is fried potatoes.
2. My mother has taught me many things about life.
3. The best season for children is summer.
4. One of the people that I admire is my grandfather.
2. In order to save gas we should d) turn off the gas.
1. In order to save warmness we should g) shut the window and h)keep the door shut.
2. In order to save electricity we should a) switch off the light and c) switch off the TV.
1. In order to save water we should e) turn off the water.
2. In order to save the forest we should i) recycle newspapers and magazines.
1. In order to save gas we should d) turn off the gas.
2. In order to save coldness we should f) shut the fridge.