£100 million is almost/ nowhere near as much as €300 million. 2 Gold is a little / a lot more expensive than steel. 3 The Pacific Ocean is slightly /far bigger than the Arctic Ocean. 4 Spain's population is just / nothing like as big as China's. 5 Venus is much / a little smaller than Earth.
2. Usually he is coming/comes home at seven o'clock but yesterday he had come at nine.
3. We won't(will not) to go to the theatre next Friday as we were/had been there a week ago.
4. At last we stopped working and now we can have a rest.
5. What he is doing now? - He is painting the wall.
6. Yesterday she played/was playing for her ticket and had left.
7. Peter will be ready in ten minutes.
He is taking a bath at the moment. - If he will not take a bath soon, I will go for a walk alone.
8. Mary is cleaning
the room and John is making the dinner.
9. She hassurprised now: someone had put flowers for her.
С 7 долго мучился, и не нашёл для себя более подходящего варианта.
Будут вопросы - пиши.
за твое письмо. Так замечательно получить известие от тебя.
В своем письме ты спрашивал меня, как я провел лето. Я отлично провел это лето. Сначала я ездил в молодежный лагерь, который находится недалеко от Калуги на берегу живописного озера. Мы много загорали и купались в озере, играли в футбол, вечером танцевали и т.д. У меня появилось много хороших друзей.
Затем, вторую половину лета я провел у бабушки в саду. Сад находится около большого леса. Мы ходили в поход, собирали грибы и ягоды и купались в широкой реке.
Тем не менее, мне уже хочется в школу, я соскучился по школьным друзьям.
Извини, я должен идти. Напишу тебе скоро еще!
Всего наилучшего,Сергей.
Dear Michael,
Thank you for your letter. It’s so wonderful to hear from you.
In your letter you asked me how I spent my summer. I had a great summer. First I went to a youth camp, which is located not far from Kaluga on picturesque lake. We had a lot of sunbathing and swimming in the lake, played soccer, danced in the evening, etc. I made lot of good friends.
Then, the second half of the summer I spent with grandmother in the garden. The garden is located near a large forest. We went hiking, picked mushrooms and berries and bathed in a wide river.
However, I already wanted to school, I missed my school friends.
Sorry, I must go. I will write to you soon again!
All the best,