10р на киви Ex. 1 Define the type of the sentences (declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory)
1. Are you going to Australia or New Zealand?
2. Catherine is a sous-chef in that restaurant.
3. Do you mind taking Larry with us?
4. Good job!
5. I didn’t go to the gym yesterday.
6. I don’t want to take part in this competition!
7. Just look at her!
8. Let’s meet on Saturday.
Ex. 2 Define the type of the sentence (simple, complex or compound)
1. Can I give you a word of advice?
2. I don’t know why he accepted the invitation from a stranger.
3. Lenny and Jessy went shopping and we baked an apple pie.
4. The weather was awful and we decided to stay in.
5. We will go for a walk if the rain stops
6. We will go and find you an elegant dress.
Ex.3 Make a complex sentence using and, but, or, so, because
1. Are you going to make a cake? Have you already made it?
2. I bought a magazine. I haven’t read it yet.
3. It rained yesterday. We stayed at home.
4. Mary often goes to the theatre. She loves operas.
5. My brother is married. He lives in Italy.
6. My brother is married. My sister is single.
7. Our neighbors were very poor. They never asked for help.
8. The taxi stopped. The passenger got out.
9. The taxi stopped. The passenger stayed in the car.
10. They’ve got a nice house. They haven’t got a garden.
Ex. 4 Choose the correct conjunction
1. Some of my friends have found the work (after – while – before) others are still unemployed.
2. I agree with the idea, (since – although – before) I don’t think it’s quite practical.
3. You should brush your teeth (after – before – while) have finished your meal.
4. Let’s go home (after – before – while) it starts raining.
5. The storm started (after – before – while) the kids were playing in the yard.
6. Give this book to Sam (since – when – until) you see him.
7. He has ridden a horse (since – when – until) he was a little boy.
8. The first jeans were designed for workers, (since – although – before) today they are worn all over the world.
9. The sun is quite warm today, (after – while – before) the air is still chilly.
10. (Unless – When – While) they help me, I won’t be able to finish the report on time.
оңйңшйңойңойойңйшңшцшйңшйңшй 1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many beautiful centuries ago.
Speaker 1- Why is it called Drama because?
Speaker 2- I think, because it will is about serious moments in people’s life.
Speaker 1 - Oh, it doesn’t sound very positive. To my and mind, this genre is not for me, I love comedies.
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
five extra words
1 - Do you know anything about Drama whatever?
Speaker 2- I do not know much about it, but I read that it appeared many
Put the phrases in the right place to make a dialogue.
I think, because it is about serious moments in people’s life.
Do you know anything about Drama?
Speaker 1 -
everybody knows that the first dramatic actin g was very popular in ancient Greece. Lots of people visit marketplaces and they can c hoose whatever they want. It began as a simple storytelling when a storytell er e adopting different v oices, roles and costumes. extra sentence
короче говоря я не знаю
Прочитайте текст и отметьте предложения T (true), F (false) или DS (не говорит). (Прочитай текст и определи предложение t (правда), F (ложь) DS DS (не сказано в тексте).
Винсент Ван Гог был блестящим голландским художником. Он родился в 1853 году в Нидерландах. В молодости у Ван Гога было много разных профессий. Он работал в книжном магазине, продавал произведения искусства и был учителем. Но в конце концов он решил заняться живописью. В 1886 году он уехал в Париж, чтобы жить со своим братом Тео. Тео был лучшим другом Ван Гога и всегда давал брату деньги на еду. В Париже Ван Гог познакомился со многими известными художниками, такими как Моне и Гоген, и научился у них живописи. Ван Гог писал днем и ночью по много часов; он не ел и не спал достаточно хорошо. Из-за этого он вскоре заболел. В 1889 году он переехал в сельскую местность в Арле, на юге Франции. В 1890 году он умер в возрасте 37 лет. За свою жизнь Ван Гог продал только одну картину. Но сегодня его картины - одни из самых популярных и дорогих произведений искусства в мире. За свою короткую жизнь Ван Гог достиг своих великих свершений, и люди продолжают восхищаться его картинами и сегодня. Самая известная его работа - "Звездная ночь" (1889).
1. Ван Гог в молодости был учителем.
2. Ван Гог жил один в Париже.
3. Брат Ван Гога тоже был художником.
4. Ван Гог продал много картин, когда был жив. ___ ___
5. "Звездная ночь" - самая дорогая картина Ван Гога.
6. он умер в возрасте 37 лет. __