112. Подготовка к сочинению. Соберите материал к сочинению на тему «Мой знако- мый». Понаблюдайте за внешностью кого-либо из ваших знакомых (товарища, друга, под-
руги, взрослого родственника и т. п.). Возможная схема сбора материала: 1) рост, 2) лицо,
3) руки, 4) одежда.
дам лучший ответ
b) I often wonder what kind of person I am. some of my friends believe that a reliable person that I can be trusted and I can help and support in difficult times. Others say that I can be angry and arrogant. This upsets me. I want all people to regard me as friendly and cheerful. I myself do not like aggressive people.
b) I often wonder what kind of person I am. some of my friends believe that a reliable person that I can be trusted and I can help and support in difficult times. Others say that I can be angry and arrogant. This upsets me. I want all people to regard me as friendly and cheerful. I myself do not like aggressive people.