14. Обозначь красным, синим или зелёным цветом звук каждой буквы. 1) Сколько на ёлочке б) Промчалось лето красное, Шариков цветных, Весёлое и вольное. Розовых пряников, Настало время классное, Шишек золотых. Дворовое и школьное. (3. Александрова) (А. Усачёв) 0
In 1937, an archaeological expedition went to Khorezm. The expedition was headed by Professor S. Tolstov, a well-known expert on the history of the peoples of Central Asia. (Soviet literature) 2. Kachalov, an amazing actor, who was mourned by millions of theater fans, died a month before the 50th anniversary of the Art theater. 3. Lake Baikal, the heart of Siberia, as it is called, is remarkable for the rare beauty of the shores and the amazing color of the water. Academician Berg, an outstanding Soviet geographer, calls Baikal a miracle of nature. 4. Beranger, the famous French poet, was born in 1780. As a child, he lived with his grandfather, a poor Parisian tailor. When the revolution began, he was sent to the province to his aunt, the innkeeper.
In 1937, an archaeological expedition went to Khorezm. The expedition was headed by Professor S. Tolstov, a well-known expert on the history of the peoples of Central Asia. (Soviet literature) 2. Kachalov, an amazing actor, who was mourned by millions of theater fans, died a month before the 50th anniversary of the Art theater. 3. Lake Baikal, the heart of Siberia, as it is called, is remarkable for the rare beauty of the shores and the amazing color of the water. Academician Berg, an outstanding Soviet geographer, calls Baikal a miracle of nature. 4. Beranger, the famous French poet, was born in 1780. As a child, he lived with his grandfather, a poor Parisian tailor. When the revolution began, he was sent to the province to his aunt, the innkeeper.
– Они поднялись с амбразуры и зашагали дальше, – невозмутимо отвечает он, и в его
глазах, застеленных дымом такая непоколебимая уверенность, что никто из
слушателей уже не решается усомниться в словах старого солдата.
– А кто первым вышел на правый берег Днепра?
– Мои сыновья, Семен и Василий. то в Берлине Красное знамя над рейхстагом поднял?
– Мои сыновья...
– Везде поспевали?
– Везде. Ноги у них молодые. Шли, шли без отдыха, а вернуться с войны домой сил не
– Так и не вернулись?