14. read or listen to the dialogue. complete the sentences a - with
the words from exercise 2.
david: aigul, what happened? why are you so sad?
azul: my cat tom's got lost! he didn't come home yesterday! his
basket is empty!
david: don't worry, aigul! i can help you, i'm sure your cat
left some traces, let's find your tom. ok, first tom
was in the basket. then the cat went from the basket
a) the door. but it was closed. tom went down the
came to the c)
and went out of the
d) tom walked along thee) past the 1) through
over the h) across the i) up the
and into thek)
algul, look your est is
over there! p173 ex4
моя комната очень красивая потому что мы делали ремонт всей семьей . Я выбирала обои . Моя мама выбирала диван . Я люблю свою комнату . В моей комнате есть диван , письменный стол , шкаф, стул, уютный коврик , большие окна . Я всегда прихожу в свою комнату с удовольствием