17 Read and complete. Use a, an, the where necessary. Kazakhstan is 1) the ninth largest country in 2) world. Kazakh is the main language, but a lot of people also speak 3) Russian and 4) - English 5) capital of Kazakhstan is 6) Nur-Sultan, 7) exciting, modern city. There is also a lot of natural beauty in Kazakhstan, including mountains, rivers, lakes and forests. 8) __Caspian Sea is the world's largest lake. 9) visit to Kazakhstan is 10) interesting experience and 11) Kazakh people always give their visitors 12) very warm welcome!
Дружина для перенесення є конкурс, в якому чоловіки конкуренти гонки в той час як кожен з яких несе жіночу товариша по команді. Мета полягає в тому для чоловіка, щоб нести жінку через спеціальну смугу перешкод доріжки в найкоротші терміни. Цей вид спорту вперше був введений в Sonkajärvi, Фінляндія.Існує кілька типів перенесення може бути реалізовано на практиці: контрейлерних, перенесення пожежного (через плече), або естонському стилі (дружина висить догори-вниз з її ноги навколо плечей чоловіка, тримаючись за талію).
1. I can’t remember …seeing him before (to see). 2. The machine needs cleaning… (to clean). 3. She is angry at … for sending (to send). ??? 4. You should avoid breaking… rules (to break). 5. She entered the office without noticing… (to notice). 6. I am sorry for …disturbing you (to disturb). 7. We can’t excuse their not …answering our invitation (to answer). 8. The cat was punished for …breaking the cup (to break) 9. The cat was afraid of punishment (punishing)… and hid itself under the sofa. (to punish). 10. After looking… through and marking… the student’s papers, the teacher handed them back. (to look),(to mark).
2. The machine needs cleaning… (to clean).
3. She is angry at … for sending (to send). ???
4. You should avoid breaking… rules (to break).
5. She entered the office without noticing… (to notice).
6. I am sorry for …disturbing you (to disturb).
7. We can’t excuse their not …answering our invitation (to answer).
8. The cat was punished for …breaking the cup (to break)
9. The cat was afraid of punishment (punishing)… and hid itself under the sofa. (to punish).
10. After looking… through and marking… the student’s papers, the teacher handed them back. (to look),(to mark).