18-20 предложений.Письмо другу на тему: Most people agree that eating junk food such as chips, cookies, and candy is not good for our health, yet almost everyone eats these things anyway. (* Do you eat junk food? Why? Which are your favorites? * What other bad habits do people have that have a negative effect on their health? * What would life be like if we always did what was best for us and never made poor decisions?)
.Абстракционизм (от лат. abstraction– отвлечение, удаление) – одно из направлений в искусстве XX века, суть которого заключалась в полном отказе от изображения реальных предметов и явлений в живописи, графике и скульптуре. Абстракционизм возник на основе таких течений как кубизм, футуризм и экспрессионизм. Некоторые направления абстракционизма (супрематизм, неопластицизм) отличались упорядоченными конструкциями из линий, геометрических фигур и объёмов различных цветов.
2. firm a) a company or business, especially one which is quite small
3. purchase e) the act of buying something
4. refund g) a sum of money that is given back to you
5. fee b) an amount of money paid to a professional person or organization for their services
6. loan f) money borrowed from a bank, person etc
7. debt c) money that one person, organization, country etc owes to another
8. corporation i) a large company or group of companies acting together as a single organization
9. costs j) the money that a business or an individual must regularly spend
10. competitor h) a person, team, company that is competing with another
1. оферта 2. фирма 3. Приобретение 4. Возврат 5. оллата 6. кредит
7. долг 9. издержки 10. конкурент