19.2. Заполни пропуски правильными возвратными местоимениями. Устно переведи предложения на русский язык.
1) Be careful! The knife is very sharp. You can cut yourself
2) I am not angry with him. I am angry with
3) The plates are very hot. The children can burn
4) Don't pay for her. She wants to pay for
5) Jackie and Jenny, tell us about
6) Ronnie, can you tell me about
7) What is he doing? - He is drying
with a towel.
8) We should only blame
9) His work speaks for
10) My phone turns
off when I close it.
2. You, will, come, won’t, you
3. Will you come to see us when you are in Moscow again?
4. finishes, for
5. You, will, be, won’t, you
6. If I help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?
7. Are, a, am
8. a lot of
9. Will, they, come, won’t
10. a few, many
11. There, a pen
12. have, you
13. a few
14. many, have, got
15. a few
16. The, is
17. live, will swim
18. They went, didn’t they
19. a great effort
20. только в настоящем времени
21. Ann will go, won’t she
22. Your friends will do, won’t they
23. Your sister will go, won’t she, she will
24. There will be many people
25. many, did, have