One day, Fred's family was sitting at a family dinner. Mom served fish and potatoes on the table. Fred and his sister ate quickly. The boy really liked it. He quickly finished everything, smacking his lips. When Fred's plate was empty, he saw a portion of Dad who did not notice anything while talking to Mom. Fred put his father's potatoes on his plate without being noticed. Only my sister found out the loss with a laugh. And when the last piece of potatoes disappeared in Fred's mouth, dad wanted to try the food, but he looked at his plate in surprise. Only Fred and his sisters drove to lunch laughing
Однажды, семья Фреда сидела за семейным обедом. Мама подала на стол рыбу с картофелем. Фред и его сестра быстро принялись за еду. Мальчику очень понравилось. Он быстро доел все чмокая губами. Когда тарелка Фреда опустела, он увидел порцию папы который ничего не замечал, разговаривая с мамой. Фред переложил картофель отца к себе на тарелку оставаясь не замеченным. Только сестра посмеиваясь обнаружила пропажу. И вот когда во рту Фреда исчезал последний кусочек картофеля, папа захотел попробовать еду, но удивлённо смотрел на свою тарелку. Только Фред и его сестра хохоча доедали свой обед.
1. Various kinds of sports are popular in Russia. 2. Both children and grown-ups are fond of sports. 3. What is the matter with her? She is so excited. - I do not know. 4. Where are you going? - I am going to the stadium to see the match which takes place there today. 5. Do you know that a very interesting match took place last Sunday? 6. He went to the south a week ago. 7. When I was about fifteen years old, I enjoyed playing football. 8. Our football team won many games last year. 9. Where is Boris? - He is playing chess with his friend. 10. I am sorry I missed the match yesterday. But I know the score. It is 4 to 2 in favour of the Russian team. I am absolutely happy. 11. I think Nellie is leaving for Moscow tomorrow. 12. I am in a hurry. My friends are waiting for me. 13. You were at the theatre yesterday. Did you like the opera? - Oh yes, I enjoyed it greatly. 14. We expect you will go to London next summer. 15. Her English is not excellent, but she is working on it. 16. A week ago they did not know what to think. 17. She is worrying a lot at the moment. But the problems are not very great. 18. Last Tuesday he was upset and had no idea where to go. 19. Could you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square? Am I going the right way?
One day, Fred's family was sitting at a family dinner. Mom served fish and potatoes on the table. Fred and his sister ate quickly. The boy really liked it. He quickly finished everything, smacking his lips. When Fred's plate was empty, he saw a portion of Dad who did not notice anything while talking to Mom. Fred put his father's potatoes on his plate without being noticed. Only my sister found out the loss with a laugh. And when the last piece of potatoes disappeared in Fred's mouth, dad wanted to try the food, but he looked at his plate in surprise. Only Fred and his sisters drove to lunch laughing
Однажды, семья Фреда сидела за семейным обедом. Мама подала на стол рыбу с картофелем. Фред и его сестра быстро принялись за еду. Мальчику очень понравилось. Он быстро доел все чмокая губами. Когда тарелка Фреда опустела, он увидел порцию папы который ничего не замечал, разговаривая с мамой. Фред переложил картофель отца к себе на тарелку оставаясь не замеченным. Только сестра посмеиваясь обнаружила пропажу. И вот когда во рту Фреда исчезал последний кусочек картофеля, папа захотел попробовать еду, но удивлённо смотрел на свою тарелку. Только Фред и его сестра хохоча доедали свой обед.