... В минувшие выходные был юбилей моей мамы и у нас был семейный сбор. Мы развлекали более 25 человек и жил на остатки в течение 2 дней после события. Что вы обычно готовить для особых случаев? Как часто вы развлекать людей в вашей семье? Вы обычно отмечают свои семейные праздники дома, или пойти в кафе или клубе? Зачем? О, прежде, чем Iforget, мой средний брат выиграл наш школьный турнир ... теннис Написать письмо Джейн.В своем письме ответить на его вопросы, спросите на 3 вопроса о ее среднего брата. Написать 100-120 слов. Помните правила письма.
Ivan Tsarevich - one of the main characters of Russian folklore. As a fairy tale character, he appeared in the late XVIII-early XIX century. Ivan Tsarevich appears in fairy tales in two different guises: positive character, struggling with evil, which helps an injured or weak. Very often in the early tales Ivan Tsarevich poor, lost parents, pursued by enemies, is not aware of his royal ancestry. In such tales as a reward for heroic behavior and good works, Prince Ivan gets back his kingdom, the throne, or finds his royal parents. But even if it was originally the prince, in the end of the story, he usually gets kind of prize in the form of another half a kingdom, the royal or king's daughter, magic or an expensive horse, precious or magical objects, or even further mind or magical abilities
Написать письмо Джейн.В своем письме ответить на его вопросы, спросите на 3 вопроса о ее среднего брата. Написать 100-120 слов. Помните правила письма.
Ivan Tsarevich appears in fairy tales in two different guises:
positive character, struggling with evil, which helps an injured or weak. Very often in the early tales Ivan Tsarevich poor, lost parents, pursued by enemies, is not aware of his royal ancestry. In such tales as a reward for heroic behavior and good works, Prince Ivan gets back his kingdom, the throne, or finds his royal parents. But even if it was originally the prince, in the end of the story, he usually gets kind of prize in the form of another half a kingdom, the royal or king's daughter, magic or an expensive horse, precious or magical objects, or even further mind or magical abilities