1who was plato?
2 when did the myth of atlantis
3 who was poseidon?
4 what did the capital city look like?
5 what was inside the temple?
6 what did the atlanteans do?
7 where did the kings live?
8 how did atlantis disappear?
9 where could atlantis be?
10 why is santorini the most
i probable location of atlantis?
мне нужно
2How much countries have you already visited? Сколько стран вы уже посетили?
3How do you prefer to travel? Как вы предпоситаете путешествовать?
4How did you come up with this idea? Как вам пришла такая идея?
5How much countries do you want to visit? Сколько стран вы еще хотите посетить?
6Does people at the airports recognise you? Узнвют ли вас в аэропортах?
7Which is your favorite country? Ваша любимая страна
8Have you visited one country for several times? Посещали ли вы одну страну несколько раз?
9Where do you think the people are the most friendly? Где наиболее дружелюбные люди?
10 Which country should I visit first? какую страну мне лучше посетить первой?