2.) 4. Complete the questions with the superlative adjectives. Ask and answer the questions.
How well do you know your country?
Example: 1) Which is the highest mountain in Kyrgyzstan?
b) Pobeda Peak
1) Which is
mountain in Kyrgyzstan? (high)
a) Khan Tengri b) Pobeda Peak
c) Lenin peak
2) Which is
town in Kyrgyzstan? (dry)
a) Tokmok
b) Kant
c) Balykchy
3) Which is
city in Kyrgyzstan? (cold)
a) Bishkek
b) Naryn
c) Talas
4) Which is
city? (hot)
a) Osh
b) Bishkek
c) Cholpon-Ata
5) Which is
lake in Kyrgyzstan? (deep)
a) Chatyr Kul
b) Sary-Chelek
c) Issyk-Kul
2. How many glasses of water you drink everyday?
3. How much milk you drink every day?
4. How many cups of tea you drink every day?
5. How much lemonade you drink every day?
6. How much fruit juice you drink everyday?
7. How much mineral water you drink every day?
8. How many cups of tea you drink everyday?
2. Not too much. 3-4 glasses a day
3. None. I don’t like milk
4. Not many. 1-2 cups a day
5. None.
6. Not much.
7. A lot . It’s good for my body
8. None. I’m too young for coffee
1. fussy
2. pinch
3. nourishing
4. scrambled
5. demand
1. through
2. piece of cake
3. four-course
4. off
5. home cooked
6 grate
7. beans
8. mashed
9. low
10. beat
1. -, -
2. advice
3. a few
4. gone
5. are, were
6. are
7. -
8. many
9. many
10. a
1. have bought
2. have been shopping
3. have practised
4. have you been studying
5. have you done
1. few
2. plenty
3. a lot
4. little
5. much
6. many
7. much
За правильность не ручаюсь, но я старалась. Отдельное за набор текста, а не просто фотку задания. Это значительно упрощает выполнение задание.