2. Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
His dream is to sail
A) on B) through
the World.
C) around D) in
3. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
A little girl comes up to her mother and asks if
she...go to the park with her friend.
A) can't
couldn't C) may
C) may D) had to
4. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
Would you like to be... actor?
A) - B) a C) the D) an
5. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
She says to him: "Don't play in the street!"
She tells him ... in the street.
A) not to play B) played C) don't play
D) to play
6. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
You must find somebody ...can help you.
A) whose B) what C) whom D) who
7. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
The little girl began to cry. She her doll
and no one was able to find it for her.
A) was losing B) had lost C) has lost
D) was lost
8. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
by the fire?
Do you see those young men ...
They are my brothers.
A) sits B) will sit C) sit D) sitting
9. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
I can't go out because of the rain. It is as
heavy as it was yesterday.
A) - B) most C) more
D) less
10. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
Bob: "I shan't be more than five or ten minutes
Alfred: "All right. I'll wait over there until you
A) were B) will be C) are
D) 're going to be
11. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
I am sure Mrs.Morris will lend you some money.
I would be very surprised if she ... to do it.
A) has refused B) would refuse
C) is refused D) refused
12. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
... on the left side of the road in London.
A) were driven B) are driven C) drove
D) drive
13. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
If you are going
the Post Office, would you
post this letter?
A) on B) till
C) to D) from
14. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
Pete doesn't work hard, ...?
A) does he B) he
D) he does
B) he works C) is he
15. Choose the answer which correctly completes the
Are you really ready to pay five ... for a
A) hundreds pound B) hundreds pounds
C) hundred pounds D) hundred pound
I didn’t use to learn French. – Раніше я не вчив французьку.
Ann didn’t use to attend this place. – Енн раніше не бувала тут.
We didn’t use to go to Italy every summer. – Ми не їздили в Італію кожного літа.
used to get up at 6 a.m. when I was 15. – Раніше я прокидався о 6-й ранку, коли мені було 20.
Kate used to go to school by bike. – Кейт звично їздила до школи на велосипеді.
They used to have dinner at this restaurant every Friday. – Раніше вони обідали в цьому ресторані кожної п'ятниці
Kvass is a drink traditional for Russia, which was consumed by all residents, regardless of wealth and class.
The drink is nutritious, with a sour-sweetish aftertaste. Now it belongs to non-alcoholic ones, but in ancient times, in terms of its strength, it could be equated with wine. They used it daily. It was also a drink for special occasions, festive celebrations and commemorations. The inhabitants of Russia considered it curative and gave it to seriously ill people to eat.
Квас — это традиционный для Руси напиток, который употребляли все жители, вне зависимости от достатка и сословия.
Напиток питательный, с кисловато-сладковатым привкусом. Сейчас он относится к безалкогольным, но в древности по крепости он мог приравниваться к вину. Употребляли его ежедневно. Он же являлся напитком для особых случаев, праздничных гуляний и поминок. Жители Руси считали его целебным и давали употреблять в пищу тяжелобольным людям.
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