2 Complete the text messages with some or any. Hey Becky, There are … good films on at the cinema this weekend. Want to go? I haven't got '… I spent it all on '_ … money! _ clothes. I can lend you … … money! Thanks!! :) What do you want to see? Are there '_ _ thrillers on? No, but there's a good action film: The Amazing Spider-Man 2. It's got 6_ great reviews, I'll find out ' … … more information about times. Cool. Are you inviting *_ other people? Yes. Ryan wants to come - if he hasn't got °_ _ homework.
1. Не finds the answers if he will look at the back of the book. 2. If you want me to see, I will come for a walk with you. 3. If he writes to her, she will answer at once. 4. If you wait a few moments, the waiter will bring your coffee. 5. He loses weight if he will stop eating too much. 6. If she is patient, I will try to explain. 7. I will wear a purple tie only if I must. 8. If we leave at once, we will catch the early train. 9. If he does that again, his father will punish him. 10. If she drink this medicine, she will feel much better.
I believe that the advantages of a computer a lot more than the disadvantages, but they are clearly significant. The most important and well-known - the computer spoils vision. This is indeed the case, the computer emits waves that affect the body. Enough of the bad, let's talk about plyusah.Not so long ago that would send a letter had to be: write it, paste brand, go to the end of town and wait a few days to wait for a letter to be delivered poluchatelyu.Teper just type the text on the computer and in the same moment it will be the recipient . With this gadget, a person so many opportunities, but people only use a very elementarnoe.And it is very pechalno.Ya think it necessary for the invention of modern life.
Я считаю что достоинств у компьютера многим больше чем недостатков,но они явно существенные . Самый главный и известный - компьютер портит зрение . Это действительно так , компьютер излучает волны которые влияют на организм . Хватит о плохом, давайте поговорим о плюсах.Не так уж и давно что бы отправить письмо нужно было : написать его,приклеить марку , идти в самый конец города и ждать несколько дней ждать пока письмо доставят получателю.Теперь же достаточно просто набрать текст на компьютере и в этот же миг оно будет у получателя. С этим гаджетом у человека столько возможностей , но люди используют лишь элементарное.И это очень печально.Я считаю это изобретение необходимым для жизни современного человека.