2 Fill in the correct particle: for, in, about (x2). 1 Asan Kaigy was trained ... military theory but he fought for peace. 2 He spent many years searching Zheruyik. 3 He was worried the future. 4 He cared the Kazakh people.
Ilya Muromets fights for his homeland. He isn't a guarder who is hired, he is a Motherland defender, although he does all his job by himself.
He is strong, courageous, manly. He never lets someone in trouble. He is clever, kind and friendly. Ilya Muromets is ready to give his life for the righteous cause. He is Russian; he is fair-haired and blue-eyed.
He is a soldier and he was dedicated by elders. He makes ordinary people's dream come true and their dream is to live in peace. So Ilya Muromets puts all his efforts into clearing his homeland from villains, enemies and bad people who want to occupy his Motherland and break the peace amongst ordinary people.
Илья Муромец.
Илья Муромец воюет за его Родину. Он не охранник, которого нанимают, он защитник своего Родины, хоть и действует сам по себе.
Он сильный, мужественный, отважный. Он никогда никого не даст в беду. Он умный, добрый и дружелюбный. Илья Муромец готов отдать свою жизнь за правое дело. Он русский; у него светлые волосы и голубые глаза.
Илья Муромец — воин и он был посвящён старцами. Он воплощает мечту простых людей — жить в мире. Так что Илья Муромец прилагает все усилия, изгоняя из его Родины злодеев и врагов, которые хотят захватить его Родину, его землю-матушку и нарушить мир среди простых людей.
Environment - a set of components of the environment, natural and man-made natural objects and man-made objects. Components of the environment - land, minerals, soils, surface and ground water, air, flora, fauna and other organisms, as well as the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth space, providing a set of favorable conditions for the existence of life on Earth. Pollution - into the environment of matter and (or) energy, property, location or number of which have a negative impact on the environment. Contaminant - a substance or mixture of substances, the number and (or) concentrations exceed established for chemical substances, including radioactive and other substances and microorganisms standards and have a negative impact on the environment. Air pollution - a really serious problem. Air is composed of oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor, and, thanks to our civilization, of a variety of toxic particles. The more of these particles in the air is, the less room is left in the atmosphere for oxygen. The problem of air pollution is not limited to the space outside. The air inside our homes and offices can be as dangerous to your health. The main source of pollution - cigarette smoke, but it is not the only one. Toxins are allocated even when you just cook. Every time you scratch the Teflon non-stick coating is allocated enough toxins to kill a canary. Greenhouse effect, which we all have been associated with the phenomenon of global warming, caused by toxic gases. The main enemy of clear atmosphere - methane. It is released from the decomposition of sewage. Greatly affects our waterways. In every neighborhood, in every city there drain sewer, storm water from the highways and municipal enterprises directly into the river. Everything goes into the water, passing minor cleaning steps.
Ilya Muromets fights for his homeland. He isn't a guarder who is hired, he is a Motherland defender, although he does all his job by himself.
He is strong, courageous, manly. He never lets someone in trouble. He is clever, kind and friendly. Ilya Muromets is ready to give his life for the righteous cause. He is Russian; he is fair-haired and blue-eyed.
He is a soldier and he was dedicated by elders. He makes ordinary people's dream come true and their dream is to live in peace. So Ilya Muromets puts all his efforts into clearing his homeland from villains, enemies and bad people who want to occupy his Motherland and break the peace amongst ordinary people.
Илья Муромец.
Илья Муромец воюет за его Родину. Он не охранник, которого нанимают, он защитник своего Родины, хоть и действует сам по себе.
Он сильный, мужественный, отважный. Он никогда никого не даст в беду. Он умный, добрый и дружелюбный. Илья Муромец готов отдать свою жизнь за правое дело. Он русский; у него светлые волосы и голубые глаза.
Илья Муромец — воин и он был посвящён старцами. Он воплощает мечту простых людей — жить в мире. Так что Илья Муромец прилагает все усилия, изгоняя из его Родины злодеев и врагов, которые хотят захватить его Родину, его землю-матушку и нарушить мир среди простых людей.
Environment - a set of components of the environment, natural and man-made natural objects and man-made objects.
Components of the environment - land, minerals, soils, surface and ground water, air, flora, fauna and other organisms, as well as the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-Earth space, providing a set of favorable conditions for the existence of life on Earth.
Pollution - into the environment of matter and (or) energy, property, location or number of which have a negative impact on the environment.
Contaminant - a substance or mixture of substances, the number and (or) concentrations exceed established for chemical substances, including radioactive and other substances and microorganisms standards and have a negative impact on the environment.
Air pollution - a really serious problem. Air is composed of oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor, and, thanks to our civilization, of a variety of toxic particles. The more of these particles in the air is, the less room is left in the atmosphere for oxygen.
The problem of air pollution is not limited to the space outside. The air inside our homes and offices can be as dangerous to your health. The main source of pollution - cigarette smoke, but it is not the only one. Toxins are allocated even when you just cook. Every time you scratch the Teflon non-stick coating is allocated enough toxins to kill a canary.
Greenhouse effect, which we all have been associated with the phenomenon of global warming, caused by toxic gases. The main enemy of clear atmosphere - methane. It is released from the decomposition of sewage.
Greatly affects our waterways. In every neighborhood, in every city there drain sewer, storm water from the highways and municipal enterprises directly into the river. Everything goes into the water, passing minor cleaning steps.