My timetable changes much when I have vacations. The main thing that changes is that I do not have classes, and usually on holidays the out-of-school sections also give children a break. So I wake up much later, than usually – about 8.30 a.m. I have breakfast watching TV and eating very slowly. Than I can call a friend and go to the cinema – on vacations cinemas always offer very cheap tickets in the mornings or in the midday. After cinema - about 1 p.m. - my friends and I usually spend few hours together walking in the park or going to a café, or a bookstore. As my parents are working, I do not have to be home to some exact time for dinner, but about 3 p.m. I usually feel I have to eat something. Sometimes we go to visit each other, and in such days we play videogames or table games, or spend time in front of the computer. Also on vacations I’ve got time to read what I like, not only what I need for school. Sometimes my parents give me some tasks, so I help them. Also I can visit my grandparents and even stay overnight. On vacations we have dinner at 7 p.m., as usual, but I go to bed much, much later - about midnight.
Туристическое агентство все вам организует они бронируется и покупают билеты на самолет или поезд. Когда ты прибываешь представить агентства встречает тебя в аэропорте или на станции. Ты заказываешь программу экскурсий, которая уже оплачена заранее. Гид рассказывает тебе о многих интересных вещах во время экскурсии. Тебе не приходится беспокоиться о питании. Если тебе не повезло с погодой, в отеле организовывают множество мероприятий. Там могут быть скидки на сезоны, когда наплыв туристов не велик. Это очень удобно и приемлемо.