Поездка в лондон никогда не полна без посещения лондонского тауэра. сайт восходит к 11-йзасушливые века стерегут надзиратели, или бифитеры! король генрих vlll впервые введена бифитеры в 1485 году когда он использовал их в качестве телохранителей. в их обязанности входила глядя после заключенных в башне и охрана драгоценности короны. хотя в эти дни, их основная роль-выступать в качестве руководства для многих туристов, которые посещают башню каждый год. они также заботиться о восьми большие черные вороны, которые живут в башне. есть 36 надзиратели в башне и все они мужчины, которые были в вооруженных силах в течение 22 лет или больше. они живут в башне со своими семьями. бифитеры являются самыми известными за их яркий красный и золотой мундир, но они на самом деле только носить это на официальных мероприятиях. большую часть времени они носят темно синей форме с красной отделкой*. никто не совсем уверен, где имя 'бифитер' происходит от.одна теория утверждает, что надзиратели используется для быть оплачены с мясом вместо денег! другие говорят, что название происходит от французского слова бифитер. бифитер были охранники во дворце французских королей. они защищали царскую пищу
I believe that the fairy tale "The Little Prince " is the best book about friendship. 1. The Little Prince and the Fox met when the little prince was in the world. They immediately liked each other . 2.Lis told the boy about friendship , and The Little Prince tamed the fox . 3 . The Little Prince has a light character, he is friendly and hardworking. Lis wise , intelligent and insightful . 4 . Little prince flew to his planet , and Fox alone. - I will weep for you . - So, it makes you feel bad. - No, I'm good. Golden wheat would be to remind me of you , - said Fox . Lis is not sad , because he had good memories . 5 . The Fox and The Little Prince were together a short time , but they became friends for life. I Fox apron words : " We are responsible for those who have tamed ." For me, this phrase - the essence of friendship.
I believe that the fairy tale "The Little Prince " is the best book about friendship. 1. The Little Prince and the Fox met when the little prince was in the world. They immediately liked each other . 2.Lis told the boy about friendship , and The Little Prince tamed the fox . 3 . The Little Prince has a light character, he is friendly and hardworking. Lis wise , intelligent and insightful . 4 . Little prince flew to his planet , and Fox alone. - I will weep for you . - So, it makes you feel bad. - No, I'm good. Golden wheat would be to remind me of you , - said Fox . Lis is not sad , because he had good memories . 5 . The Fox and The Little Prince were together a short time , but they became friends for life. I Fox apron words : " We are responsible for those who have tamed ." For me, this phrase - the essence of friendship.
1. The Little Prince and the Fox met when the little prince was in the world. They immediately liked each other .
2.Lis told the boy about friendship , and The Little Prince tamed the fox .
3 . The Little Prince has a light character, he is friendly and hardworking. Lis wise , intelligent and insightful .
4 . Little prince flew to his planet , and Fox alone.
- I will weep for you .
- So, it makes you feel bad.
- No, I'm good. Golden wheat would be to remind me of you , - said Fox . Lis is not sad , because he had good memories .
5 . The Fox and The Little Prince were together a short time , but they became friends for life.
I Fox apron words : " We are responsible for those who have tamed ." For me, this phrase - the essence of friendship.
I believe that the fairy tale "The Little Prince " is the best book about friendship.
1. The Little Prince and the Fox met when the little prince was in the world. They immediately liked each other .
2.Lis told the boy about friendship , and The Little Prince tamed the fox .
3 . The Little Prince has a light character, he is friendly and hardworking. Lis wise , intelligent and insightful .
4 . Little prince flew to his planet , and Fox alone.
- I will weep for you .
- So, it makes you feel bad.
- No, I'm good. Golden wheat would be to remind me of you , - said Fox . Lis is not sad , because he had good memories .
5 . The Fox and The Little Prince were together a short time , but they became friends for life.
I Fox apron words : " We are responsible for those who have tamed ." For me, this phrase - the essence of friendship.