Studying at school takes up a lot of time and effort. That is why some teenagers prefer not to take up part-time jobs, concentrating on studying. Personally, if I was choosing a part-time job, I would choose working as a nanny, because I love children and find this job very interesting. During this summer I am going to stay in the city and prepare for my exams. Probably, I will be able to work at my free time to earn some pocket money for my necessities. I don't work part-time, because I'm very busy at school. But I would like to do this to develop different skills, which will help me in my adult life. #JonSnowAlive
Hello, (имя, кому пишешь) how are you? i am (ваше настроение). on this week i am (описываете все, что вы делали в past simple). goodbuy, my friend (имя) by (ваше имя)