2.Read again and answer the questions. 1.where is Wimbledon? 2.who plays their matches on Centhe Court? 3Where can you buy food and drink at Wimbledon? 4.When does the President Cup take place? 5How old are the players in the President Cup?
1. Science is an important branch of national economy. Наука является важной отраслью национальной экономики is - а) словарное (смысловое) значение – «быть чем-то (кем-то)»;
2. The power of the monarch (монарх) is limited by the constitution. 2. Власть монарха ограничена Конституцией. is - б) вс глагол для: - образования Passive Voice ;
3. They are living here at the moment. В настоящий момент они проживают здесь. are - б) вс глагол для: - образования Continuous Tense;
4. A computer specialist was to help the company in finding the problem. Специалист по компьютерам должен был организации в обнаружении проблемы. was (to) - в) модальное значение долженствования;
5. The practical role of a computer is to store huge (great) amounts of information Практическая роль компьютера состоит в том, чтобы сохранять огромное количество информации. is - г) глагол-связка в именном составном сказуемом.
2. I don't know much about _the life of Salvador Dali.
3.| can't call it __---__ running. It's __---__ jogging.
4. I think _a__ red dress will suit you best.* _---___ red is more your colour.
5. __---__ watches have become very cheap and very attractive.
6. Most of _the__ watches you see today work on __---__ quartz.
7. __---__ journeys to unknown places require a lot of preparation.
8. _the__ lives of _---__ poets and __---__ musicians have often been unbearably difficult.
9. __---_ time is _---_ money.
10. I can never forget _the__ time I've spent in Paris.
11. We have _a__ nice apartament in _the__ cantre of St. Petersburg. It is _a__ three-room flat with _a__ kitchen.
12. This is the front room. _the__ ceiling and _the_ walls need decorating but __the_ floor is in good order. We'll probably cover it with __a_ carpet.
* может быть и the red dress, если понятно о каком платье речь
Наука является важной отраслью национальной экономики
is - а) словарное (смысловое) значение – «быть чем-то (кем-то)»;
2. The power of the monarch (монарх) is limited by the constitution.
2. Власть монарха ограничена Конституцией.
is - б) вс глагол для: - образования Passive Voice ;
3. They are living here at the moment.
В настоящий момент они проживают здесь.
are - б) вс глагол для: - образования Continuous Tense;
4. A computer specialist was to help the company in finding the problem.
Специалист по компьютерам должен был организации в обнаружении проблемы.
was (to) - в) модальное значение долженствования;
5. The practical role of a computer is to store huge (great) amounts of
Практическая роль компьютера состоит в том, чтобы сохранять огромное количество информации.
is - г) глагол-связка в именном составном сказуемом.
1.Where did __---__ life come from?
2. I don't know much about _the life of Salvador Dali.
3.| can't call it __---__ running. It's __---__ jogging.
4. I think _a__ red dress will suit you best.* _---___ red is more your colour.
5. __---__ watches have become very cheap and very attractive.
6. Most of _the__ watches you see today work on __---__ quartz.
7. __---__ journeys to unknown places require a lot of preparation.
8. _the__ lives of _---__ poets and __---__ musicians have often been unbearably difficult.
9. __---_ time is _---_ money.
10. I can never forget _the__ time I've spent in Paris.
11. We have _a__ nice apartament in _the__ cantre of St. Petersburg. It is _a__ three-room flat with _a__ kitchen.
12. This is the front room. _the__ ceiling and _the_ walls need decorating but __the_ floor is in good order. We'll probably cover it with __a_ carpet.
* может быть и the red dress, если понятно о каком платье речь