2 Read the model. Put the events (A-H) in the order they happened (1-8). Then give the
class a summary of the article. Use: first,
then, next, after that, suddenly, finally.
Amazing rescue
Courageous rescue worker saves the lives of
til two local boys trapped by fire
Peter and Richard felt very excited as they set out on their
forest hike last Thursday morning. It was a beautiful summer
day. The sun was shining and there was a clear blue sky.
After walking for an hour, they decided to stop for a rest.
They were happily chatting when Peter smelt something
in the air. He looked around and saw bright flames in the
trees. Suddenly, there was a wall of fire all around them.
It seemed like there was no escape.
Richard spotted a small pond nearby. "We have to jump
in," he shouted. The water wasn't deep, but it was difficult for
them to breathe with the thick smoke from the fire. Then,
they heard a loud noise above them. It was a helicopter.
Soon, a rescue worker threw down a long rope and the
boys climbed to safety. They had never felt so relieved in
all their lives.
They stopped for a break.
They climbed into the helicopter.
They saw flames.
Peter and Richard began their hike.
They were surrounded by fire.
A helicopter appeared above them
Peter smelt something in the air. de
They jumped into a small pond.
4.Никто не ожидал, что цены будут расти снова.
5.Вы не можете ожидать температуру до падения завтра.
6.Полагал, что его коллекцию картин продали по низкой цене.
7.Вполне возможно, что они были доставлены в больницу·
8.Говорят, что в компьютерной индустрии будет много открытий.
9.Было обнаружено, что документы будут подписаны
10.Говорит, результаты теста пока неизвестны
11.Видел, как он вошел в свой кабинет.
12.Эта Симфония является одним из лучших произведений Бетховена.
13.Известно, что он был самым популярным писателем своего времени.
14. Объявили, что самолет упал в море.
15.Обнаружил, что качество этой глины очень полезны для человека.