2 'Read the text again and tick (V) the things people have done to prepare for the event. 1 People have decided what kind of event to have. 2 The students have made the school look like a shopping centre. 3 Someone has asked local shops to give things for Market Day. 4 Someone has gone to Mel's Music Shop to get the CDs. 5 Philip and Khan have sent emails. 6 Ned has put a message on the school website. 7 Someone has bought the things to make the cakes. 8 Ms Grant and Ms Ali have made fifty cakes.
11.Вставь предлоги где это необходимо.
1)We often answer our teachers guestions at the lessons.( некоторые учебники разрешают говорить on the lesson, сверьте со своим)
2)Sometimes they translate instructions from Russian into English.
3)Did you learn the poem by heart yesterday?
4)My little sister likes to draw on the walls of the rooms.
5)Don't talk with your neighbour .
6)Can she speak English well? - Of course,not.
12. Отгадай загадку .напиши отгаДку по русский.
You can use me to draw the lines
I am long ,blAck and nice.
On my side gold figures shine.
Try my name to define . - a pencil - карандаш
1) We often answer our teachers cuestions at the lessons.
2) Somethimes they translate instructions from Russian into English.
3) Did you learn the poem by heart yesterday?
4) My little sister likes to draw on the wals in the rooms.
5) Dont talk about your neighbour .
6) Can she speak ___ English well? - Of course, not.
You can use me to draw the lines
I am long ,black and nice.
On my side gold figures shine.
Try my name to define .
ответ: Pencil.
- Для того, чтобы понятен был ответ, перевод:
Ты можешь использовать меня для рисования линий
Я длинный, черный красивый.
На моей стороне золотые фигуры сверкают,
Попробуй моё имя определить.
ответ: карандаш.