2. Reading Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами, выбрав
тему из выпадающего списка. Используйте каждую тему только
один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.
This text deals with ...
1. City attractions.
2. A London theatre.
3. A London street.
4. A London museum.
1. I'm looking for a job. I didn't like the job I had.
2. Kate is wearing a new dress today. The dress is nice.
3. He has a nice house. There is a beautiful garden in front of house.
4. This is an interesting book. The book is...a love story.
5. ...The text he is translating is rather difficult.
6. Is.. the bag new? I like the bag.
7. He is..an engineer. He says the profession is interesting.
8. There is a hotel not far from our house. The hotel is very comfortable.
9. The car is very expensive
10. I'm doingan exercise. The exercise isn't difficult.
11. They are building an international airport here.
12. Without any warningthe computer went down.
13. The/A (both could be correct) child is reading a magazine. The magazine has a bright cover.
14. Bill is a very good specialist. I'm sure he can answer the question.
15. They say the library that is being built here will be very large.
Young people rely on their friends to talk through any problems they may have. The message, is, therefore: it is your friends who keep you sane.
People today rely less and less on large family groups, and more and more on friends. In fact, students said recently that couples are a thing of the past.
Friends Reunited is the most popular website in Britain. People enter the name of their school on the computer and they suddenly can access lots of people from their class, even if it is a class from thirty or forty years previously. It seems that the pull of old friendship is enormous, especially as people now rarely return to live in the places where they grew up.
And how important are friends for you?