2.составьте рассказ о маме, бабушке, дочери, внучке, невестке, свекрови, тёте, племяннице, падчерице, ответив на следующие вопросы. начните рассказ словами: i d like to tell you about my mother, grandmother, daughter, granddaughter, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, aunt, niece, stepdaughter. 1. what is her name? 2. what is her surname? 3. what is her patronymic? 4. where does she live? 5. how old is she? 6. when is her birthday? 7. what is she? 8. is she married? 9. what is her hobby? 10. what does she like to do? составить рассказ заранее