2 Use the words from the box and complete the sentences. 1. As you continue to grow and grow towards the
realization of your four potentials.
2. The habit of continuous learningaverage
people to become top performers in their field.
3. It enables people to rise from poverty andto
and success.
4. It increases your intelligence and puts you on to
thein your career.
5. Continuous learning, like nature, is
6. Anyone can use it t o ___extraordinary things in
7. And from continuous learning will last
Choose the most appropriate form of the
verb. With your partner, answer the following
1. Have you ever eaten / been eating oysters?
2. How long have you been driving / have you been
3. How many times have you taken / have you been
takingIELTS exam?
4. Have you heard / have you been hearing about
Lingua Franca?
5. How many times have you had / have you been
havingan English course?
6. Have you ever been / Have you ever been going
9 Complete the sentences so they have the
Before the appearance of Spider-Man in the 1960s, teenagers in superhero comic books were usually only their assistants. Comics of Spider-Man broke the stereotypes by presenting a lone hero teen rejected by many peers [3], which did not have an experienced mentor as Bucky in Captain America or Batman with Robin. After the death of his Uncle Ben, he had to learn on their own, that "with great power comes great responsibility."
Marvel Comics has released a set of episodes of Spider-Man, the earliest of which was The Amazing Spider-Man (Rus Amazing Spider-Man), continues to this day. Over the years, Peter Parker was a shy high school student, a troubled college student, then a married teacher and a member of several teams of superheroes such as the Avengers, the New Avengers, the Fantastic Four. The most typical way of life of Peter Parker is Spider-Man is the image of an independent photographer, used in the comics over the years.
With the increase in its popularity Spider-Man is outside of comics, has appeared on television, in video games and movies and is one of the most commercially successful superheroes. [4] In the trilogy of feature films he played the role of actor Tobey Maguire, and to restart the franchise, the first film which came out in 2012, it was played by British actor Andrew Garfield. [5] Reeve Carney appeared in the role of Peter Parker in the Broadway musical 2010 "Spider-Man: Redeem darkness" (English Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark) [6]. In 2011, the character won the 3rd place in the "hundred best comic book of all time" according to IGN [7].
Озеро со смешным названием Титикака (Titicaca) – самое высокогорное озеро в мире, находится на высоте 3810 метров над уровнем моря. Протяженность озера 170 км - это самое большое озеро Южной Америки. По преданию прародители инков Manco Capac и Mama Ocllo вышли из вод Титикаки. Первое, чему их научил главный бог Wiracocha, было искусство выращивания картофеля.