1. About Myself 2. Hello, let me introduce myself. My first name is Elena, my last name is Vognistaya. I’m 27 years old. I’m Ukrainian, I live in Odessa. 3. Let me tell you a little about my family. Family takes an important part of my life. I’ve got a husband and a daughter. My husband’s name is Alexander, my daughter’s name is Veronika. My husband goes to work every day. I have a part-time job and spend most of my time taking care of my daughter. 4. As you can guess, my profession is a teacher of English. I started learning English at school, then I entered Pedagogical University. I’ve been teaching English since my first year at college. It was some kind of a challenge. But I understood at once that it’s an interesting job with lots of advantages for me. I tried myself at school, English courses, but the most comfortable way of teaching for me is coaching or private tutoring. 5. Last year I started thinking about creating a blog for students, teachers and parents who are interested in English. And here I am doing it for about 2 months. 6. My life is not only English. I like dancing very much, and I used to attend ballroom dance classes. Unfortunately, I haven’t got time for that now, but I plan to come back in 2, maximum 3 years. I also like painting. I even finished an art school. I like doing cross-stitching, it calms me a lot. What else? I like communicating with new people, driving my car, surfing the net, I like self-education, etc. 7. Thank you for your time, good bye.
2. Hello, let me introduce myself. My first name is Elena, my last name is Vognistaya. I’m 27 years old. I’m Ukrainian, I live in Odessa.
3. Let me tell you a little about my family. Family takes an important part of my life. I’ve got a husband and a daughter. My husband’s name is Alexander, my daughter’s name is Veronika. My husband goes to work every day. I have a part-time job and spend most of my time taking care of my daughter.
4. As you can guess, my profession is a teacher of English. I started learning English at school, then I entered Pedagogical University. I’ve been teaching English since my first year at college. It was some kind of a challenge. But I understood at once that it’s an interesting job with lots of advantages for me. I tried myself at school, English courses, but the most comfortable way of teaching for me is coaching or private tutoring.
5. Last year I started thinking about creating a blog for students, teachers and parents who are interested in English. And here I am doing it for about 2 months.
6. My life is not only English. I like dancing very much, and I used to attend ballroom dance classes. Unfortunately, I haven’t got time for that now, but I plan to come back in 2, maximum 3 years. I also like painting. I even finished an art school. I like doing cross-stitching, it calms me a lot. What else? I like communicating with new people, driving my car, surfing the net, I like self-education, etc.
7. Thank you for your time, good bye.
1. Много ли вы читаете?
2. Какие книги вы читаете?
3. Любите ли вы читать?
4. Следует ли поощрять детей к чтению?
5. каковы преимущества чтения? Есть ли какие-то недостатки? Что это такое?
6. Хорошо ли приобрести привычку к чтению?
7. Вы читаете по-английски или на своем родном языке?
ли чтение выучить язык?
9. Когда вы обычно читаете?
10. Вы читаете газеты?
11. Вы читаете журналы или журналы?
12. Какие книги вы обычно используете, чтобы подготовиться к занятиям?
13. Считаете ли вы, что люди должны больше читать?
14. Что произойдет, если мы не читаем?
15. когда мы должны начать читать?
16. Считаете ли вы, что люди не читают так много, потому что они заняты просмотром телевизора или серфингом в Интернете?
17. что бы вы сделали, чтобы побудить людей читать? Трудно ли заставить себя читать? Почему (нет)?
18. какая ваша любимая книга была в детстве? Какая ваша любимая книга сейчас?
19. Какой ваш любимый жанр книг?
20. читаете ли вы электронные книги или предпочитаете бумажные копии книг? Почему?
21. каковы преимущества и недостатки электронных считывателей?
22. Считаете ли вы, что книги могут исчезнуть в будущем? Почему (нет)?
23. Где вы обычно покупаете книги?
24. Вы берете книги в библиотеке или покупаете их?
25. Считаете ли вы, что библиотеки могут исчезнуть в будущем? Почему (нет)?