23 Where were they yesterday? Read, match and say. 1 You must be quiet. 2 You mustn't dive. 3 You must keep off the grass. 4 You mustn't park your car here. 5 You mustn't feed the animals. 6 You must stand behind the yellow lin А) in the street D) at the pool B) at the library E) at the train C) at the park. station F) at the zoo
1. It's five minutes past eleven.
2. It's twenty-five minutes past four.
3. It's six o'clock.
4. It's twenty-five minutes to two.
5. It's five minutes to nine.
6. It's a quarter past two.
7. It's twenty minutes past three.
8. It's ten minutes past nine.
9. It's twenty minutes to one.
10. It's a quarter past twelve.
11. It's twenty-five minutes to three.
12. It's a quarter to five.
13. It's half past eleven.
14. It's twenty-five minutes past one.
15. It's ten minutes past nine.
16. It's ten minutes to eight.
17. It's twenty-five minutes past seven.
Нива-Русский журнал.
популярный русский еженедельный журнал середины XIX — начала XX века.
Издавался 48 лет, c конца 1869 года по 28 сентября 1918 года в издательстве А. Ф. Маркса в Санкт-Петербурге.
«Вестник» — хорватская ежедневная газета. «Вестник» — русскоязычный журнал, издающийся с 1990 г. в Вашингтоне (США).
ОБОРОНА — вид военных действий, применяемый с целью сорвать или отразить наступление противника. Большой энциклопедический словарь.
биография представляет историю жизни субъекта, выделяя различные аспекты его жизни.