24. Заполните пропуски необходимыми по смыслу словами: 1) Not even a philosopher a) dental treatment can bear … calmly 2) … is a kind of suffering b) bacteriastatic antibiotics and sulfa drugs that nine of every ten inhabitants of the earth know only too well 3) All schoolchildren are examined and c) toothache given … without charge 4) Research and other studies have d) toothache shown that the infectious agents are in the gingival sulcus, that the actual cavity … 5) … clinical investigation and general e) or periodontal pockets are the result of the infection observations that odontal, periodontal and residual areas in the jawbones are caused by mycotic organisms 6) These organisms are insensitive f) it is apparent from laboratory research to powerful …
The dhole /doʊl/ (also called Asian wild dog, red dog or mountain wolf) can be confused with the fox, and this is one of the main reasons for its extinction. It attracts people's attention with its fluffy fur, which has a beautiful bright red colour. It is worth noting that its tail is slightly different from the fox's, as dholes have a tail with a black tip.
The habitat of this species is the Far East, China and Mongolia.
The dhole is listed in the IUCN Red List with the status of endangered species, as well as in the Red Book of Russia. In Russia, this rare predator was taken under full protection from the moment it was listed in the Red Book of the former USSR.
It is necessary to identify areas where the dhole is still preserved, with the subsequent organization of wildlife reserves here in order to protect this predator and the wild cloven-hoofed animals that it feeds on. It is desirable to reduce the number of grey wolves.
The dhole is a rather large animal with a body length of 76–110 cm, a tail length of 45–50 cm and weight of 17–21 kg. It has a combination of features of the wolf, the fox and the jackal. The dhole differs from the ordinary wolf in colour, fluffy hair and a longer tail that almost reaches the ground. Dholes have a shortened, pointed muzzle. Their ears are large, upright. The reproduction of these wolves is rather poorly studied, due to the small population of the species and the fact that they cannot be tamed at all. But it is a known fact that small wolf cubs appear most often in January-February. Females of this species give birth to 5 to 9 cubs.
Многие американцы говорят о погоде. Им есть о чем поговорить. Люди всегда пытались прогнозировать погоду. В былые времена они только предполагали или исходили из того, какая погода была в
Сегодня люди используют радары, спутниковые снимки и компьютеры. Все эти инструменты им получать метеорологические снимки. Некоторые люди пытаются прогнозировать погоду на целый год или целый сезон. Каждый ноябрь Национальная служба погоды США прогнозирует, какой будет погода. И каждый год "Альманах старого фермера" публикует прогноз на весь год.
И служба погоды, и альманах используют информацию о годах. Они объединяют ее с информацией со спутников, воздушных шаров, радиолокационных станций и кораблей в море. Затем компьютер выдает отчет. Этот отчет очень важен для многих американцев.
Американцам, возможно, не нравится их погода, но им определенно нравится говорить о ней.