2a Work in pairs. Read and answer the questions. 1 Who is the letter to?
2 Who is the letter from?
How do you know?
3 What is going to happen?
6 Do the writers know the person
4 Why did they write the letter?
The Leader of the Mahalla Committee "Istiqlol"
25 Istiqlol Street
person you
Andijan City
write to
February 21
Dear Leader
We have seen the plan for a new advertising billboard
outside the bank in Navbahor Street. We are writing to
reason for
tell you we are against this plan. We already have some
advertising billboards in our mahalla. They advertise things
like chocolate, biscuits, drinks, mobile phones, restaurants
and cafes. Children see the billboards and ask their parents
to buy the things. The things are very expensive. Parents
cannot buy the things and they feel sorry. Children learn bad
habits. Please do not put up any new advertising billboards.
Yours sincerely
Senior citizens of the mahalla
1. теперь она избегает ходить туда так часто, как раньше.
now she avoids going there as often as she used to go before.
2. он, бывало, внезапно появлялся в доме своей матери и так же внезапно исчезал.
he used to appear suddenly at his mother's home and to desappear in the same way.
3. она, бывало, часами сидела у открытого окна, глядя на лес за холмом.
she used to sit next to an open window for hous looking at the forest behind the hill.
4. иногда она жаловалась на свою трудную жизнь, и ей становилось легче.
sometimes she used to complain of her difficult life and she felt better.
5. я лично думаю, что теперь вы говорите по- лучше, чем раньше.
i think that now you speak english better than you used to speak before.
6. теперь он совсем не курит, так как у него плохое здоровье, а ведь раньше он курил сигарету за сигаретой.
now he doesn't smoke at all as he has bad health but earlier he used to smoke sigarettes one by one.
7. он начал изучать французский, а в детстве он занимался с частным преподавателем .
he began to learn french and in his childhood he used to study english with a tutor.
8. когда-то он был весьмя состоятельным человеком.
some time he used to be quite rich.