This is probably one of the greenest buildings in the world. The 54-storey building was built to use natural daylight for as long as possible. It also has solar panels, rainwater collectors, and materials for the construction of the building itself are made from recycled waste from New York.
Bank of America, Нью-Йорк.
Это, вероятно, одно из самых "зеленых" зданий в мире. 54-этажное здание было построено таким образом, чтобы использовать естественный дневной свет как можно дольше. Так же здесь установлены панели солнечных батарей, сборники дождевой воды, а материалы для конструкции самого здания сделаны из переработанных отходов Нью-Йорка
Bank of America, New York.
This is probably one of the greenest buildings in the world. The 54-storey building was built to use natural daylight for as long as possible. It also has solar panels, rainwater collectors, and materials for the construction of the building itself are made from recycled waste from New York.
Bank of America, Нью-Йорк.
Это, вероятно, одно из самых "зеленых" зданий в мире. 54-этажное здание было построено таким образом, чтобы использовать естественный дневной свет как можно дольше. Так же здесь установлены панели солнечных батарей, сборники дождевой воды, а материалы для конструкции самого здания сделаны из переработанных отходов Нью-Йорка
my country. I would like to do people's life better. I would like to get homes for the people who
don't have homes or give money to people to buy homes. I would build plants and factories to
give people work. I would help to create more jobs and help to improve our economy I would
build a lot of hospitals in my country. Health care service would be free in my country. I would
strengthen our educational system. I would build new schools, new gyms, and cinemas in my
country. I would like to make my country very beautiful. Every person must be happy in my
country. He must have a well paid job, his home, family, and children. He must be healthy and
educated. So If I were the president I would like to do everything to make all people happy in my
country. I know it is difficult but I would do my best