3.35 Read the article again. Answer the questions.
1 What did people have to do before the
invention of writing?
They had to remember everything in their heads.
2 What two problems were there with scrolls?
3 What could readers of books do better than
readers of scrolls?
4 What did people use to make books when they
stopped using animal skin?
5 Why was the printing press an important invention?
6 Why might books disappear in the future?
doubts appear / arise — сомнения появляются, возникают
to appear on the horizon — появляться на горизонте
recognizance to appear when called on — обязательство явиться в суд по вызову
to appear far away — показываться, появляться вдали
to appear ill — выглядеть больным
to appear in equation — входить в уравнение
to summon to appear — вручить приказ о явке в суд
to appear in the case — выступать по делу
to appear on the cheap side — разг. прибедняться
appear before the court — представать перед судом