3. Ann and Mary usually help their parents. 9. Last Christmas she cooked a tasty Yule log. 10. My mother works in the garden every spring. 13. My father made a surprise for my last birthday. 17. Children like to play in the yard. Составить к этим предложениям Общий вопрос, 3 специальных и отрицательный
ответ: я человек, и я живу среди людей. люди вообще редко живут в полном одиночестве. даже если у кого-то нет семьи, у него есть друзья, приятели, соседи. каждый день все мы общаемся со многими людьми. кто-то работает, кто-то учится, большинство людей пользуется транспортом, покупает продукты в магазинах. получается, что каждый из нас каждый день обязательно с кем-то общается.
вот я, например, живу с мамой, папой и младшим братом. с ними я общаюсь постоянно. а еще у меня есть две бабушки и двое дедушек, три тети, два дяди и другие родственники. с ними я общаюсь время от времени. у моих родителей есть друзья, которые иногда приходят к нам в гости. я учусь в школе, поэтому каждый день общаюсь с одноклассниками, среди которых у меня есть друзья. есть и те, с кем я не дружу, но общаться приходится - хотя бы по делу.
Knock Knock!- Who's there? - Asks the grandmother.
- It's me, your granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood - Wolf is responsible - I to visit you came, brought a cake and a pot of oil.
A grandmother was ill at the time and was lying in bed. She thought it was really Little Red Riding Hood, and shouted:
- Pull the rope, my child, and the door opens!
Wolf pulled the strings - and the door opened.
I rushed to the grandmother and the wolf swallowed it again. He was very hungry, because three days did not eat anything. Then he closed the door, lay down on her grandmother's bed and began to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.
she came and knocked on Coming Soon:
Knock Knock!- Who's there? - Wolf asked. And his voice was rough, hoarse.
Little Red Riding Hood was scared, but then I thought that my grandmother hoarse from the cold and said:
- It's me, your granddaughter. Brought you a cake and a pot of oil!
Wolf cleared his throat and said thinner:
- Pull the rope, my child, and the door will open.
Little Red Riding Hood pulled the rope, and the door opened. In came the girl in the house, and the Wolf hid under the blanket and says:
- Put it on, granddaughter, cake on the table, put a pot on the shelf while she lie down next to me!
Little Red Riding Hood Wolf lay near and asks:
- Grandma, why do you have such big hands?
- It is stronger to hug you, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big ears?
- To hear better, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big eyes?
- In order to see better, my child.
- Grandma, why do you have such big teeth?
- And this is likely to eat you, my child!
No sooner had Little Red Riding Hood and gasp as the wolf lunged at her and swallowed.
But, fortunately, this time passed woodcutters house with axes on their shoulders. They heard the noise, ran into the house and killed the wolf. And then he ripped the belly and stepped out Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother - both unharmed.