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Қазақ тiлi
12.04.2020 20:26 •  Английский язык

3 Choose the correct modal verb. (7x214) 1) You can/must be hungry you haven't eaten for 10 hours
2) You can 'l/couldn't be at school now I see you in a cale
3) Where's the dog? It may/should be in the kitchen or outside
4) it musin t/can ide the battery problem recharged it yesterday
5) There could/must be life on other planets.
6) If I were you, I would/ will buy an e-book reader
7) If I were hun, I will /would travel more​

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16.01.2022 09:17

В нашей жизни книга стала занимать у многих далеко не первое место. Найти время для чтения — серьезная проблема для  многих людей. Они совершенно четко понимают, что читать надо, но времени на чтения у них катастрофически не хватает, ибо вообще лень. Большинство утверждающих умников, увы, забывают, что в фильме описаны события — лишь подобие тех, которые описаны в книге, ибо режиссер в своей картине очерчивает действия, которые имеют смысл непосредственно в его виденье, а не в виденье массы. Для чего нужны книги? Они дают нам пищу для размышлений. Фильм же исчерпал себя уже спустя час после просмотра. Наша фантазия — вещь весьма любопытная. Она создает нам те образы, которые интересны именно нам.
 Если так подумать, то книга развивает нашу память, нашу речь и фантазию. С книгой ты постепенно переживаешь то, что переживает персонаж рассказа.
Теперь разберемся, что же служит причиной, столь неблагоприятного для развития культуры, частичного, а то и полного отказа от книги. Я считаю, что виной всему в первую очередь является высокий уровень развития техники. Если перед человеком стоит выбор: заблудиться во всемирной системе компьютерных сетей, либо прочитать произведение мирового классика, не сложно догадаться, в сторону чего будет существенный перевес. Перед человечеством благодаря техническому прогрессу открываются новые горизонты. Увлекательные, интересные. Я не говорю, что это плохо, это прекрасно, но в результате этого мы забыли о книгах, оставили их пылиться на полках.
И вновь повторюсь рассказав уже подробно и закончив мысль. Время, истраченное на чтение, обязательно окупится с лихвой, потому что книга учит человека мыслить, адекватно оценивать ситуацию и свою роль в жизни, книга учит человека думать и принимать решения, содействует воспитанию личного, уникальной философской позиции.


In our life, the book began to take many is not the first place. Find time to read - a serious problem for many people.They clearly understand that it is necessary to read, but the time to read them are sorely lacking, for general laziness.Most claim clever, alas, forget that the film describes the events - a kind of what is described in the book. Director in his film outlines the actions that make sense directly into his vision, and not in the vision of the masses.What are the books? They give us food for thought. The film also has exhausted itself after only an hour after viewing. Our imagination - something very interesting. It gives us the images that interesting for us.
If you think so, the book develops our memory, our language and imagination. With a book you gradually experience what the character is going through the story.
Now take a look at what is the cause of so unfavorable to the development of culture, a partial or even complete failure of the book. I believe that the blame in the first place is the high level of technology. If the person in front of a choice: get lost in the world-wide computer network, or read world classics, is not difficult to guess what will be in the direction of a significant advantage. To humanity due to technological advances open up new horizons. Exciting and interesting. I'm not saying it's bad, it's fine, but the result is that we have forgotten about the books, leave them to gather dust on the shelves.
Again, I repeat already telling detail and a conclusion. Time spent on reading, be sure to pay off with interest, because the book teaches people to think, to adequately assess the situation and its role in the life, the book teaches people to think and make decisions, promotes education of personnel, unique philosophical position.

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21.12.2020 12:22

Theodor "Teddie" Roosevelt – the 26th U.S. President (1901-1905)
representative of Republican Party, Nobel prize winner of the world

Roosevelt was born in New York on October 27, 1858 in a family of the dealer and the philanthropist of the Netherlands origin.
Teddie arrived in the Harward university both ended in 4 years and entered Republican party.
In 1884 in one day at it mother and the wife died, but shortly before it the daughter – Alice was born.
In two years Theodor married in the second time.
In 1900 McKinley and Roosevelt's team won a victory on presidential election, but the same year on president McKinley attempt was perfect and he died, and Theodor Roosevelt became the new president. He became the youngest (42 years and 10 months) a president for all history of the USA.
He was the first president who invited in the White house of the representative of the Afro-Americans, the first American who has got in 1906 the Nobel premium of the world.

On October 14, 1912, when Roosevelt during election campaign was going to act with speech to the gathered crowd in Milwaukee, somebody shot at it John Shrenk. The bullet got to a breast, having punched at first a case from points and the thick 50-page manuscript lying in an inside pocket with speech which Roosevelt intended to say. Roosevelt as the skilled hunter understanding anatomy, concluded that time it doesn't cough blood, the bullet didn't punch a lung; having refused the help, he said the planned speech while blood blurred on a shirt, and spoke 90 minutes. Roosevelt began words: «Ladies and gentlemen, I do not know, whether you understand that at me just shot; but the Elk so simply you will not kill» (an elk — a symbol of Progressive party of Roosevelt). As found out later, the bullet entered into a breast, but didn't punch a pleura, and it would be more dangerous to take it, than to leave as is. Roosevelt carried this bullet in a breast till the end of life.

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