3. Choose the correct word. a) He always does very badly on his exams. (bad / badly)
b) He is a very
worker. (slow / slowly)
c) She often sings in the shower very
(loud /loudly)
d) He reads
e) My dad works
(hard/ good)
f) My sister plays the piano
(beautiful beautifully)
g) She often talks very
h) My friend is very
(polite / politely). He always says 'Thank you'
and 'Please
i)In summer the sun shines. (bright/brightly)
j) My friend is never (late / lately) for school
Yesterday Mother bought her daughter a pair of blue jeans and white shoes.
1. Did mother buy her daughter a pair of blue jeans and white shoes yesterday?
2. Whor bought a pair of blue jeans and white shoes yesterday?
3. When did mother buy her daughter a pair of blue jeans and white shoes?
4.Whom did mother buy a pair of blue jeans and white shoes yesterday?
5. What did mother buy her daughter yesterday?
6. What colour of jeans did mother buy her daughter yesterday?
7. What colour of shoes did mother buy her daughter yesterday?
С самого детства когда я шила куклам одежду, я мечтала стать стилистом. Мои подружки всегда удивлялись тому, как красиво шила и рисовала платьица, кофточки для свои кукол-модниц. Я перешла в пятый класс у меня появился урок технологии, я с таким интересом слушала учительницу, особенно когда это касалось тем " как шить одежду". Со временем я научилась делать выкройки, пользоваться швейной машинкой. Итак у меня начали появляться первые работы. Я развиваю свои навыки, умения: постоянно рисую, планирую модели, создаю новое. Я точно уверена-моя будущая профессия стилист!