3 Complete the sentences with correct tense of the words in the box.
collect do make write
1 My grandfather stamps when he was young.
He sold them for a lot of money a few years ago.
2 I really like — short stories. I tell them to my
younger brother and sister.
3 My friends and I often — music. We all play
instruments and write songs.
4 When we're on a long journey, my sister and
I usually
5 That dress is really unusual. Did you -_ it
6 I'd like to learn how to woodwork. I think it
must be great to be creative.
Nowadays watching television is a very popular way to relax.
As a 21st century person, I am interested in everything that exists today, I mean gadgets, the Internet, television.
They are so deeply embedded in our daily lives and it is hard to imagine even a day without them.
So I like to watch TV, it brings me great pleasure and joy.
I cannot choose one program, because I like many of them, but nevertheless, I most of all I prefer the children's channel - Disney.
This channel shows Disney cartoons, movies and also family programmes.
Besides, I love the STS channel, for there they show interesting movies and TV series, as well as my favourite programme "Ural dumplings". However, I try not to spend a lot of time in front of the screen. I usually watch music programmes, new and interesting films, funny cartoons and educational programs.
I agree that television cannot be removed from our everyday life, but, in my opinion, to grow smart and intelligent person you need to read a lot of instructive books and stories.
Вроде так но не уверен) Но все равно удачи!)))
1)National TV and radio broadcaster-9(Национальный телерадиовещатель)
2)English policeman-2(Английский полицейский)
3)Was killed in a car crash in 1997-4(погиб в автокатастрофе в 1997 г.)
4)Iconic means of transport-8(Легендарные транспортные средства)
5)Emblems of Wales-там по сути должен быть флаг
(Эмблемы Уэльса)
6)Home of the queen-вроде 5,(дом королевы)
7)Weekend home of the queen-17(выходной дом королевы)
8)Gives a bird's eye view of London-14 вроде,(Дает птичьего взгляда на Лондон)
9)Where prisoners were beheaded-10(где обезглавливали заключенных)
10)Famous clock tower-7,(Знаменитая башня с часами)
11)Serves beer and simple meals-?(Подают пиво и простые блюда)
12)Most famous band in history-1(Самая известная группа в истории)
13) National sport-3(национальный спорт)
14)Eaten at Christmas-11(Едят на Рождество)
15Worn in Scotland-15(Носится в Шотландии)
16) Musical instrument-12(музыкальный инструмент)
17)Next King of England?-18(Следующий король Англии?)
18)Bridge on the River Thames-13(Мост через Темзу).